“Mob Lynching is fast becoming a National sport in India. Police and Public are the spectators. Culprits get bail very easily. Videos go viral of social media. Sad!”
Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Sunday, December 19, 2010
“Terrorism” will stop when Jews stop their war on Muslims
There is lot of hypocrisy on this newly popularised term “terrorism”. The Western war on terrorism is nothing but a war on Muslims — plain and simple.
This war is nothing but a zionist conspiracy carried out by the Western Christian leadership at the behest of Jews.
This is because all the Western Christian countries are controlled by the Jews with the help of their money power, media and Christian stooges.
Muslims refused to be fooled: It is the American Jews, who control that country and managed Obama election. It is they who managed to make him utter sweet words to Muslims at Cairo and elsewhere.
But the Muslims refused to be fooled. The Jewish engineered war on Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq resulted in disastrous defeat of US.
Obama later tried to fool the Muslims on Palestine. But here also he failed because the zionist Jews are not prepared to budge even an inch on Palestine.
Any amount of his pouring milk to the serpent is no use. Serpent will continue to bite Obama.
China on top of world: Western Christian leaders, led by the US which is controlled by its 2% Jews, are defeated in their war on terror. The Jews with their monopoly over the media, have launched a hurricane of Islamophobia. But nothing is working.
Rise of Iran: The disgusted Jews got Obama defeated in the recent Congressional elections. Nor are they giving any opportunity for him to succeed in Palestine.
China has already come on the top of the world and USA is getting weakened. With the defeat in Afghanistan, USA is preparing to pack up.
Iran is fast becoming a nuclear power and its political power has expanded with Iraq coming under its sway. Turkey turning against West is another big defeat for the West.
If the Western Christian rulers, who are still in the grip of Jews, are tired of their war on terror, the only way-out is to call halt to Islamophobia.
The zionists, repeatedly getting disappointed with the Western Christian rulers, are naturally furious. This is one of the causes for the economic decline of USA and also UK. And perhaps EU.
Our fear is zionists are determined to take revenge on the whole of West if it does not come out in full support of Israel — which means all-out war on Iran.
But the “Jews of India” are not reading the writings on the wall. It is still holding on to the tail of USA (and Jews) without realising that it is a sinking ship.
China has expanded his influence all over the world. Within an year it is going to be the world’s no.1 economic power.
Anti-zionist front takes shape: China, Iran, Russia together with all the Muslim and African countries — even Latin America — are fast coming together to become the world’s strongest bloc. The Blacks of Africa — the victims of White racism, will never go with the West. Already China has established full influence on all the African countries.
Germany, the worst victim of the zionists, is fast coming up. Already it is the richest in Europe.
What Bahujans can do: The Jews and the “Jews of India” are gradually getting totally isolated.
Bahujan leaders of India belonging to the SC/ST/BCs and Muslims must wake up and prepare themselves to confront the fast-moving global changes.
That is why we have been repeatedly telling that internally we have no hope but the fast-moving international developments are very much in our favour.
Monday, September 27, 2010
'Mosque and temple can be built side by side in Ayodhya'
Srinagar,September, 27: Is it possible that the Allahabad high court's much-awaited verdict in the Babri Masjid title case will lead to the construction of a mosque and a temple side by side in Ayodhya? If so what will be the reaction of the Muslim community?
A respected religious leader of the community and the Secretary of All India Muslim Personal Law Board Moulana, Abdul Raheem Qureshi, has said that Muslims will not have any objection to such an eventuality as there was nothing wrong in it , reports rediff (27/9/) from New Delhi.
A respected religious leader of the community and the Secretary of All India Muslim Personal Law Board Moulana, Abdul Raheem Qureshi, has said that Muslims will not have any objection to such an eventuality as there was nothing wrong in it , reports rediff (27/9/) from New Delhi.
Speaking in Hyderabad on Monday, Abdul Raheem Qureshi said that already many such mosques and temple exist in the country and if this happens in Ayodhya, there is nothing wrong in that.
However, he said that the government should ensure that there were separate ways for the mosques and the temples so that no disputes or problems arise in future. "The vast land acquired by the government should be divided in to portions to provide separate ways to the mosque and the temple," he said.
Moulana Qureshi said that if the court decides so, the temple can come up at the place where Ram chabutra existed in the outer courtyard of the mosque, while mosque can be rebuilt at the place where the old mosque building with three domes and inner court yard existed.
"The chabutra was used from worship by the Hindus for 150 years and the Muslims have not opposed it. In 1885 a Mahant had claimed that chabutra was the birth place of Lord Ram and he had even gone to a court with the claim and Muslims not opposed it," he said.
His remarks came on a day when the AIMPLB decided to move a petition before the Supreme Court to oppose any further delay in the pronouncement of the verdict by Allahabad high court in Babri Masjid title case.
Abdul Raheem Qureshi said that the board decided to move the petition because it was question of rule of law in the country and any further delay in coming out with the verdict will not be in the interest of the justice.
He expressed hoped that the apex court will not delay the verdict of HC any further because the earlier decision of deferring it from September 24 was taken by the junior member of the two member judge of Supreme Court.
"Because of the differences between the two judges -- Justice Ravindran and Justice Gokhale -- the matter has been referred. We have moved our petition to make our stand clear that judicial verdict should not be delayed. It should be pronounced and respected by all. The dissatisfied party can always appeal to the Supreme Court," he said.
He said that the board was opposed to delay in the verdict because it involved many important issues. Recalling the night of 22 December 1949, when idols were installed in the Babri Mosque in Aydohya, he said that it was a trespassing, an offence but instead of punishing the culprits, Muslims were punished by stopping them from entering the mosque.
Elaborating why the board was against delaying the verdict, Moulana Qureshi said that one of the judges of the Allahabad high court was going to retire on September 30. "If a new judge comes and he wants fresh arguments once again, verdict will not be possible for another two years and it will be very unfair," he noted.
He also exuded confidence that on the basis of the available records and evidences, the Allahabad high court can give a verdict that the Babri Masjid with its inner court yard belongs to Muslims and outer court yard belongs to the Hindu community.
Referring to the statements of some people that out of court settlement was still possible, Moulana Qureshi said that many such efforts were made in the past, but they could not succeed as the organisations like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bharatiya Janata Party refused to budge an inch from their stand. "Without that no compromise was possible," he said.
He insisted that while Muslims were ready to abide by any court verdict, they will never ever willingly hand over the mosque to others.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
India is a Foreign Occupying Power in J & K: Hilal War
By: Johan Simth
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Srinagar: Sep,14: Jammu and Kashmir People’s Political Party (PPP)
Chairman, Hilal Ahmad War lashed out Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan
Singh. He said that Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s
independence speech amply reflects Indian ideology and thinking and has
exposed the Indian tyrannical face and its colonial policy whereby he
said that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. Mr. Manmohan
Singh should ask a 6 year old child of Kashmir that why he is writing on
his slate ‘Go India Go’, it is not the violence but a strong sentiment
which has its roots in 63 years long history ever since the Indian
troops entered Kashmir illegally. Mr.Abdul Ahad Jan, a Sub Inspector of J
& K Police who hurled his official shoes on Chief Minister, Omar
Abdullah and chanted Azadi slogans is an eye opener for Indian Prime
Minister that their own cops realized that India is a oppressor and an
occupying foreign power in Kashmir. We strongly condemn his statement.
PPP reiterate that India is a foreign illegal occupying power in Jammu
& Kashmir, said Mr. War. The Statement clearly indicates that Prime
Minister of India has lost his vision and wisdom whereby he has
forgotten pledges on Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in Indian
Parliament and in United Nation, Security Council. He has also forgotten
that it is the India’s illegal occupation and its pledges at UNO which
has made India a de-facto party to Kashmir Dispute.
War said the situation demands that India and Pakistan should come forward with fresh mind and approach with a single agenda to resolve Kashmir dispute which is the bone of contention between two nuclear powers. Unresolved Kashmir is the biggest hurdle for the peace, progress and development of this South-Asian Region. He once again reiterated that war is no solution to any problem and the initiation of composite dialogue between India and Pakistan is must to break the ice.
PPP chairman stated that a lingering Kashmir dispute will strengthen armed and unarmed freedom fighters in Kashmir. It will also invite an onslaught of Muslim groups in India. Muslim groups may spill over from Srinagar to the rest of India. Therefore, Indian decision-makers need to earnestly resolve all disputes with Pakistan, including the core issue of Kashmir, because no sane Indian decision- maker could, any longer, keep the future of over a billion Indians' social and economic well-being hostage to the Kashmir conflict. India needs to break free from its narrow foreign policy on Kashmir now. For that to happen, India needs to move beyond its stance that Kashmir is an ``integral part''. The Prime Minister of India, Dr.Manmohan Singh, needs to enact his role of a bold visionary and consider a solution to Kashmir outside the rubric of Indian federalism. Because unresolved Kashmir issue is causing constant potential threat to Nuclear War hovering over the whole subcontinent and can engulf the whole world at any point of time.
God forbid, if war breaks it will engulf whole world and undoubtedly India will be a Big looser. India is well aware of the Pakistan’s missile programme which is more powerful than India. Therefore, if war breaks out between two nuclear powers the Metropolitan cities of India will be wiped out. This war will prove a waterloo for India. Therefore, let’s hope good sense prevails upon Govt. of India and its warmongers so that they understand the dynamics and consequences of this unfortunate war, and will explore other peaceful options to settle all outstanding issues with Pakistan including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
Mr. War said, the one and half billion people of this region have every legitimate right to intervene as they are the real stakeholders of peace and to discourage warmongers of India and impress upon Govt. of India to give diplomacy a full chance to find out ways and means to settle Kashmir Dispute and combat the enemies of peace by exposing them. In order to prevent the South-Asian Region from erupting to the prejudice and detriment of the global peace the long-standing Kashmir dispute urgently need to be solved amicably within the framework of fundamental Human Rights and justice to the concerned struggling people.
Let’s make it clear that in case India does not soften its Kashmir Policy and continues to demonstrate obduracy on one pretext or other, then the situation in J & K State shall uncontrollably flair up and disturb the peace and security in the length and breadth of Indian soil.(Writer-South Asia)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
China rejects defeated Brahminist offer to surrender
Bangalore: As China is fast emerging as a super power,
overtaking USA, India’s Brahminical rulers continue to generate
more hate against China,
sheltering the notorious Dalai Lama and adding fuel to fire. Nehru, India’s first Brahmin PM, was a bogus socialist
who engineered the war against China
(1962) in which India
was utterly defeated and ate dust. Thousands of innocent Indian soldiers died, reports in Dalit Voice (September 1-15,2010)
Good servant but bad master: The
common masses of India (85%)
have no say in the governance of the country but they have nothing against China. It is
the Brahminist rulers (15%) who have fought with every neighbour around India, headed by the super power China which has
become the darling of all the have-nots of the world. But in contrast the
rulers have made India
the most hated country.
During our recent visit to London
and Paris (July 2010) and discussions with
intellectuals familiar with this subject, particularly Brahminism, the curse of
a new fear is being expressed.
Many experts on the subject of Brahminism
say the Brahmin is a good servant but bad master. If you are strong, the Brahmin
will lick your boot. But if you are weak he will crush you and suck your blood.
Yes. Indian history proves this.
Annie Besant as Cong. president:
Applying this logic to China,
which is fast emerging as the sole super power of the 21st century, what will
be the stand of Indian Brahminist rulers vis-a-vis China?
The fear expressed during our discussions was the
Brahminists — scenting danger to their very existence — might quickly reverse
their policy and start courting if not bum-licking the Chinese leaders.
Fears of the Western experts are based on the
Brahminical behaviour during the British rule which they bitterly hated because
it brought about justice, rule of law and introduced English education system -
which threatened their very hegemony. In Madras,
the Brahmins started the Hindu English daily to fight the
British-owned Madras Mail.
Brahmins supported Hitler:
Brahmins invited a notorious rejected British woman, Annie Besant, and made her
the president of the National Congress, the party of the Brahmins, to fight the
British rulers. They even courted Hitler, invited him to India, promising a red-carpet welcome, travelled
to distant Germany,
supplied their swastika emblem and made them fight the British.
Darling of the British: Though
the Jews and the “Jews of India” are cousins, the two fell into opposite camps:
The Jews hating Hitler and Brahmins loving the nazi Germany (Read our book, Brahminism,
DSA-2002, photocopy available, Rs. 100).
Hitler’s forces even bombed London and the British, the sole super power
of the day, was about to be defeated in the World War-II. But the Jews had a
better strategy. They blackmailed the US
to support British and join the World War in which Germany was finally
defeated.Scenting the danger the Brahminists quickly changed sides and started
praising the British and hailing Churchill, the war-time British PM. They have
no permanent enemy but only permanent interests.
Will Brahminists surrender to China:
They never keep all their eggs in one basket. They will be always with the
victors. They quickly endeared themselves to the British, as by then they have
already mastered the English language.
The Gujarati Bania as their fondest slave, they
quickly managed to become the darling of the British. And then managed through
the Jewish Viceroy, Mountbatten, the partition of India. The “Jews of India” finally
During our discussions abroad with
experts on the Jews and “Jews of India”
fears were expressed if the history would repeat in the case of China. Will the
Brahminists surrender to their today’s enemy (China) so that their tomorrow will
be sure and secure ?
But will the Chinese, firmly rooted in their
centuries-old philosophy, who had the courage to rebuff their own
ideological-mate, Soviet Russia, be fooled by the Brahminist rulers? Will the
Brahminists shamelessly apologise for their 1962 war and their continued the
enemity for decades?
has already became the best friend of all the Brahminist enemies surrounding India: Pakistan,
Kashmir, Nepal,
Bangladesh, Burma, Lanka,
Maldives. China has completely encircled India.
hated Jews: No doubt all these enemies of Brahminist rulers will
prevail upon China
not to give scope to the “Jews of India”. China
never allowed the Jews, who brought communism to Russia, to infiltrate its country.
Chairman Mao and Premier Chou En-lai were fully aware of the menace of the Jews
and also the ‘Jews of India”.
But in war and love — and politics too — there is
nothing like a permanent enemy or friend. The Brahminist “Jews of India”, know
how and when to stoop to conquer. Did they not give their wives, sisters and
daughters to Muslim rulers? All this is part of history. Chanakya’s Arthasastra
asks the Brahmin to stoop to conquer.
So we will not be surprised if the
Brahminists try to build bridges and skyways to cross into China and bum-lick China.
But during our discussion, we firmly assured our
friends that China
will never, ever yield. And our predictions are firmly rooted in Chinese
history.(Dalit Voice)
Brahminisim in India & Zionisim in West
Racial supremacism of “Chosen People”
Brahminisim in India & Zionisim in West
Horror story of two world famous tyrants
Little known facts of mind control, lying deceit, treachery,
treason, blood, sweat, terror, tears, death & destruction by the world’s
two most rigidly segregated societies
New threat to Bahujans: Unity of Jews & “Jews of India”
Foreword: Two sides of same chain
A couple of members of Dalit
Voice Family (DVF) did write us
on our coverage of Zionist atrocities. Their POINT WAS ZIONIST ISSUES WERE NOT RELEVANT TO India and
the Dalits in particular. To such of them we want to assure that Brahminisim
and Zionisim are two sides of the same coin and their close collaboration is of
world-wide significance.
Dr. Babasahib Ambedkar, the Father of India and our
intellectual guide, had identified the principal enemy of Dalits and also India: Brahminisim Both Brahmins and the Jews originated from the
same geographical area around Iran
and both exhibited the same genetic characteristics. Both are mental per
perverts, megalomaniacs and physically weak.
Today, both the Jews and “Jews of India” are fully linked
and working in close cooperation causing turmoil world-wide. The Israeli Mossad
is operating in India in
full force and the Government of India is officially collaborating with Israeli
defence and Intelligence forces to tackle Muslim and Dalits in India. As India’s oldest
and the largest circulated journal of its entire 85% persecuted nationalities
denied human rights, we have a responsibility to alert our family members on
the danger posed by the Jews even as we discuss the aggression on Indian
culture by the “Jews of India”.
So, we cannot separate the two when the mind and the body of
both are the same. We were the first in the world to describe the Brahmins as the” Jews of India”, a
description which they whole-heartedly accepted and also exploited.
When we are combating the” Jews of India” with our back
against the wall, is it not our duty to learn from the experience of those who
are fighting the Jews? Moreover. When the Jews and the “Jews of India” are in close collaboration to impose their racist
dictatorship, is it not our duty to do everything possible to avert such
humanitarian disaster?
Mr. V.T. Rajshekar
Dalit Sahitya Akademy
No. 109-7th Cross, Place Lower Orchards Bangalore- 560 003, India
home: www.dalitvoice.org
Sunday, August 29, 2010
फर्जी मुठभेड़ नतीजा ? (Fake Encounter in Kashmir)
फर्जी मुठभेड़ नतीजा ?
कप्तान माँ न्याय करना चाहता है
'सेना मेरे बेटे को मार डाला के रूप में वह' सच पता
नई दिल्ली, 29 अगस्त: शनिवार को देर कैप्टन सुमित कोहली की माँ उसे "रक्षा मंत्री ए.के. एंटनी को 'न्याय, एक स्वतंत्र जांच की मांग की सीबीआई ने शायद, उसके बेटे का दावा मृत्यु में, के लिए चार साल की लड़ाई लिया है कि यह एक हत्या की गई द्वारा साथी अधिकारी उपस्थित थे.
वीणा कोहली बाद में पत्रकारों को बताया कि रक्षा मंत्री के परिवार को आश्वासन दिया था, चंडीगढ़ में आधारित है कि युवा अधिकारी की मौत की जांच की और फिर वह उन्हें वापस करने के लिए उस पर जल्द ही मिल जाएगा किया जाएगा.
हालांकि, कर्नल राहुल पांडे, जो तब कैप्टन कोहली इकाई 16 राष्ट्रीय राइफल्स के कमांडिंग अधिकारी था माँ का विवाद का खंडन किया है और बनाए रखा है कि यह आत्महत्या का मामला था. परिवार का आरोप है कि सुमित क्योंकि वह जानता था, जो कश्मीर में एक Lolab में फर्जी मुठभेड़ में चार कुलियों की अप्रैल 2004 में हत्या के पीछे थे हत्या कर दी थी.
वीणा कोहली एंटनी को एक प्रतिनिधित्व प्रस्तुत उसे urging करने के लिए एक जांच, सेना के नियंत्रण से स्वतंत्र है, उसका बेटा, जो एक शौर्य चक्र विजेता रहा था की मौत पर सच्चाई की तह तक पहुंचने के आदेश.
, वीणा संवाददाताओं से "हाँ, मैं एक सीबीआई जांच की तलाश के रूप में मैं विश्वास सेना की जांच में नहीं है अब होगा, क्योंकि वे सच्चाई को छिपाने की कोशिश की है और मेरे बहादुर बेटे की छवि धूमिल बताया कि इस संबंध में प्रश्नों के जवाब दे.
कैप्टन कोहली बंदूक की गोली घावों के साथ मर अप्रैल 2006 में अपने Lolab पर सैन्य आवासीय सुविधा में कमरे में मिला था, जबकि वह 16 राष्ट्रीय राइफल्स में जम्मू और कश्मीर में सेवारत था.
यह सिर्फ दो महीने के बाद से किया गया था वह देश के तीसरे सर्वोच्च शांतिकाल वीरता पदक और उसकी अचानक मौत जीता था और उन्हें अपने परिवार ख़फ़ा, विशेष रूप से, क्योंकि सेना ने दावा किया था कि यह परिवार मुसीबतों की वजह से आत्महत्या कर ली थी हैरान था.
वीणा बेटी नम्रता है, जो उसकी माँ और परिवार के साथ वकील मेजर (सेवानिवृत्त) Guneet चौधरी एंटनी को पूरा करने के एंटनी ने कहा कि वे करने की अपील की थी परिवार को न्याय प्रदान करते हैं.
, नम्रता ने कहा कि हम के बारे में 15-20 मिनट के लिए रक्षा मंत्री से मुलाकात की और मेरे भाई की मृत्यु में एक स्वतंत्र जांच की मांग की और वह हमें एक स्वतंत्र जांच का आश्वासन दिया है ".
मूल उसके बेटे की मौत से संबंधित दस्तावेजों के लिए उपयोग की मांग की, वीणा ने कहा, "यह पता चला जाना चाहिए कि कैसे वह मर गया. मैंने पहले सोचा था कि जो कुछ कह रही थी कि सेना सही था, लेकिन मैं उसकी पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट करना चाहते हैं ताकि मैं पूरी तरह संतुष्ट हो सकते हैं. मेरा मानना है कि वह आत्महत्या नहीं कर सकता था. "
कर्नल पांडे, उसके आरोपों का जवाब, कहा मौत एक आत्मघाती था कि वहाँ सेना प्रक्रिया है जिसके तहत नागरिक डॉक्टरों पोस्टमार्टम आयोजित की और अधिक सेना में अप करने के लिए रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत कर रहे थे.
"के बाद दस्तावेजों उच्च सेना पदानुक्रम में अप तक पहुँचते हैं, यह इकाई को वापस नहीं करता है. मुझे नहीं पता था कि वह अधिकारी की मौत पर कोई संदेह था. उन्होंने कहा, अगर वह मुझे फोन किया था या मुझे करने के लिए लिखा पहले, मैं उसके लिए दस्तावेज मिल सकता था. "
पूछा क्या उसे संदेह के आधार पर किया गया था, वीणा ने कहा, "वह एक शौर्य चक्र से सम्मानित और एक बहादुर अधिकारी थे. वह यह नहीं कर सकता. "
आरोप लगाया कि कुछ सैन्य कर्मियों उसके बेटे की मौत के पीछे थे, कोहली ने कहा, "मैं इस बात के लिए पूरी सेना को दोष नहीं देंगे, लेकिन वहाँ कुछ लोग हैं जो उसे अपने रास्ते से बाहर हो गई हैं क्योंकि वह अंदर हो रहा है सब कुछ जानता था. इस घटना ने कश्मीर में Lolab घाटी में पोस्टिंग के अंतिम दिन पर हुआ. "
कैप्टन कोहली की मौत की खबर के बाद जल्द ही परिवार पहुँचे, उसके पिता एक स्ट्रोक पीड़ित और उसके बेटे की अंतिम संस्कार के बाद एक दिन मर गया. सुमित कोहली 26 वर्ष की आयु में निधन हो गया.
जाहिरा, कर्नल नीरज सूद, जो 18 राष्ट्रीय राइफल्स के कमांडिंग था, इस बार फिर 23 साल जून को इसी तरह की परिस्थितियों में सीमांत जिला कुपवाड़ा के Lolab घाटी क्षेत्र में मृत्यु हो गई.घटना Machil क्षेत्र में एक फर्जी मुठभेड़ में चार Nadihal युवाओं की 29 मई को हत्या के सरफेसिंग के बाद जगह ले ली.
कप्तान माँ न्याय करना चाहता है
'सेना मेरे बेटे को मार डाला के रूप में वह' सच पता
नई दिल्ली, 29 अगस्त: शनिवार को देर कैप्टन सुमित कोहली की माँ उसे "रक्षा मंत्री ए.के. एंटनी को 'न्याय, एक स्वतंत्र जांच की मांग की सीबीआई ने शायद, उसके बेटे का दावा मृत्यु में, के लिए चार साल की लड़ाई लिया है कि यह एक हत्या की गई द्वारा साथी अधिकारी उपस्थित थे.
वीणा कोहली बाद में पत्रकारों को बताया कि रक्षा मंत्री के परिवार को आश्वासन दिया था, चंडीगढ़ में आधारित है कि युवा अधिकारी की मौत की जांच की और फिर वह उन्हें वापस करने के लिए उस पर जल्द ही मिल जाएगा किया जाएगा.
हालांकि, कर्नल राहुल पांडे, जो तब कैप्टन कोहली इकाई 16 राष्ट्रीय राइफल्स के कमांडिंग अधिकारी था माँ का विवाद का खंडन किया है और बनाए रखा है कि यह आत्महत्या का मामला था. परिवार का आरोप है कि सुमित क्योंकि वह जानता था, जो कश्मीर में एक Lolab में फर्जी मुठभेड़ में चार कुलियों की अप्रैल 2004 में हत्या के पीछे थे हत्या कर दी थी.
वीणा कोहली एंटनी को एक प्रतिनिधित्व प्रस्तुत उसे urging करने के लिए एक जांच, सेना के नियंत्रण से स्वतंत्र है, उसका बेटा, जो एक शौर्य चक्र विजेता रहा था की मौत पर सच्चाई की तह तक पहुंचने के आदेश.
, वीणा संवाददाताओं से "हाँ, मैं एक सीबीआई जांच की तलाश के रूप में मैं विश्वास सेना की जांच में नहीं है अब होगा, क्योंकि वे सच्चाई को छिपाने की कोशिश की है और मेरे बहादुर बेटे की छवि धूमिल बताया कि इस संबंध में प्रश्नों के जवाब दे.
कैप्टन कोहली बंदूक की गोली घावों के साथ मर अप्रैल 2006 में अपने Lolab पर सैन्य आवासीय सुविधा में कमरे में मिला था, जबकि वह 16 राष्ट्रीय राइफल्स में जम्मू और कश्मीर में सेवारत था.
यह सिर्फ दो महीने के बाद से किया गया था वह देश के तीसरे सर्वोच्च शांतिकाल वीरता पदक और उसकी अचानक मौत जीता था और उन्हें अपने परिवार ख़फ़ा, विशेष रूप से, क्योंकि सेना ने दावा किया था कि यह परिवार मुसीबतों की वजह से आत्महत्या कर ली थी हैरान था.
वीणा बेटी नम्रता है, जो उसकी माँ और परिवार के साथ वकील मेजर (सेवानिवृत्त) Guneet चौधरी एंटनी को पूरा करने के एंटनी ने कहा कि वे करने की अपील की थी परिवार को न्याय प्रदान करते हैं.
, नम्रता ने कहा कि हम के बारे में 15-20 मिनट के लिए रक्षा मंत्री से मुलाकात की और मेरे भाई की मृत्यु में एक स्वतंत्र जांच की मांग की और वह हमें एक स्वतंत्र जांच का आश्वासन दिया है ".
मूल उसके बेटे की मौत से संबंधित दस्तावेजों के लिए उपयोग की मांग की, वीणा ने कहा, "यह पता चला जाना चाहिए कि कैसे वह मर गया. मैंने पहले सोचा था कि जो कुछ कह रही थी कि सेना सही था, लेकिन मैं उसकी पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट करना चाहते हैं ताकि मैं पूरी तरह संतुष्ट हो सकते हैं. मेरा मानना है कि वह आत्महत्या नहीं कर सकता था. "
कर्नल पांडे, उसके आरोपों का जवाब, कहा मौत एक आत्मघाती था कि वहाँ सेना प्रक्रिया है जिसके तहत नागरिक डॉक्टरों पोस्टमार्टम आयोजित की और अधिक सेना में अप करने के लिए रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत कर रहे थे.
"के बाद दस्तावेजों उच्च सेना पदानुक्रम में अप तक पहुँचते हैं, यह इकाई को वापस नहीं करता है. मुझे नहीं पता था कि वह अधिकारी की मौत पर कोई संदेह था. उन्होंने कहा, अगर वह मुझे फोन किया था या मुझे करने के लिए लिखा पहले, मैं उसके लिए दस्तावेज मिल सकता था. "
पूछा क्या उसे संदेह के आधार पर किया गया था, वीणा ने कहा, "वह एक शौर्य चक्र से सम्मानित और एक बहादुर अधिकारी थे. वह यह नहीं कर सकता. "
आरोप लगाया कि कुछ सैन्य कर्मियों उसके बेटे की मौत के पीछे थे, कोहली ने कहा, "मैं इस बात के लिए पूरी सेना को दोष नहीं देंगे, लेकिन वहाँ कुछ लोग हैं जो उसे अपने रास्ते से बाहर हो गई हैं क्योंकि वह अंदर हो रहा है सब कुछ जानता था. इस घटना ने कश्मीर में Lolab घाटी में पोस्टिंग के अंतिम दिन पर हुआ. "
कैप्टन कोहली की मौत की खबर के बाद जल्द ही परिवार पहुँचे, उसके पिता एक स्ट्रोक पीड़ित और उसके बेटे की अंतिम संस्कार के बाद एक दिन मर गया. सुमित कोहली 26 वर्ष की आयु में निधन हो गया.
जाहिरा, कर्नल नीरज सूद, जो 18 राष्ट्रीय राइफल्स के कमांडिंग था, इस बार फिर 23 साल जून को इसी तरह की परिस्थितियों में सीमांत जिला कुपवाड़ा के Lolab घाटी क्षेत्र में मृत्यु हो गई.घटना Machil क्षेत्र में एक फर्जी मुठभेड़ में चार Nadihal युवाओं की 29 मई को हत्या के सरफेसिंग के बाद जगह ले ली.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
26/11 Mumbai Karkare killing plot plea: High Court issues notices
26/11 मुंबई करकरे की हत्या की साजिश दलील: उच्च न्यायालय के मुद्दों नोटिस
पटना, 21 August: बंबई उच्च न्यायालय में आज एक उच्च स्तरीय 2008 में मुंबई में 26/11 आतंकी हमले के दौरान जांच की मांग महाराष्ट्र एटीएस के प्रमुख हेमंत करकरे और दो अन्य उच्च पुलिस अधिकारियों की हत्या में याचिका पर केन्द्र और राज्य सरकार नोटिस जारी किया, reports MG.

अनुभवी मधेपुरा से बिहार, राधाकांत यादव में समाजवादी और तीन बार विधायक, 6 अगस्त को उच्च न्यायालय से संपर्क किया था. अदालत ने उसकी याचिका पर जारी किए सुना और उन्हें चार हफ्तों के भीतर की हत्या में एक सक्षम प्राधिकारी के लिए याचिकाकर्ता की मांग का जवाब करने के लिए पूछ रही सरकारों को नोटिस.
करने के लिए अदालत की सूचना के बाद जल्द ही बात कर रहे TCN, राधाकांत यादव ने कहा कि वह अदालत से आग्रह किया कि सीबीआई या किसी अन्य एजेंसी है कि अदालत के काम के लिए ठीक समझे तरह एक सक्षम प्राधिकारी द्वारा जांच का आदेश. वह अपने कहना है कि करकरे की हत्या के कुछ और अधिक से अधिक नेत्र को पूरा किया है दोहराया.
करकरे हिंदुत्व आतंकवादियों और आतंकवादी संगठनों देश में कुछ आतंक हमलों वह उजागर किया गया था जिनकी भूमिका के लिए एक जाला बन गया था. मुंबई हमले वह 2008 के मालेगांव विस्फोट में हिंदुत्ववादी आतंकवादियों के हाथ उजागर किया था पहले सप्ताह था और साध्वी प्रज्ञा सिंह ठाकुर, कर्नल पुरोहित और अन्य लोगों को गिरफ्तार किया. उन्होंने जांच के लिए धमकी दी थी और पाकिस्तानी आतंकवादियों वह रहस्यमय परिस्थितियों में मारा गया था द्वारा मुंबई हमले के दौरान.
"पुस्तक से प्रभावित कौन मारा करकरे? - भारत में आतंकवाद का असली चेहरा ", पुलिस एसएम Mushrif, एक 70-कुछ Lohiaite यादव के पूर्व इंस्पेक्टर जनरल द्वारा इस वर्ष के शुरू में लिखा एक एक स्वतंत्र तथ्य खोजने समिति के नेतृत्व में एक के गठन की मांग जनहित याचिका के साथ सुप्रीम कोर्ट से संपर्क बैठे या सुप्रीम कोर्ट के एक सेवानिवृत्त न्यायाधीश, करकरे को मारने से पहले की घटनाओं में देखो. वह प्रस्तुत किया था कि राज्य के एक आतंकवादी से देश के नागरिकों की रक्षा की तरह एटीएस अधिकारियों की मौत प्रमुख करकरे सहित में घोर विफलता थी. उन्होंने यह भी तर्क था कि पूरे मुंबई आतंकी हमले के एक प्रकरण लेकिन दो अलग अलग हमलों के रूप में नहीं देखा जाना चाहिए.
न्यायमूर्ति बी सुदर्शन रेड्डी और न्यायमूर्ति सुरिन्दर सिंह Nijjar की पीठ 12 मई को यादव की जनहित याचिका को अस्वीकार कर दिया था लेकिन उसे करने के लिए उच्च न्यायालय ले जाने की छूट दे दी है. (TwoCircles)
पटना, 21 August: बंबई उच्च न्यायालय में आज एक उच्च स्तरीय 2008 में मुंबई में 26/11 आतंकी हमले के दौरान जांच की मांग महाराष्ट्र एटीएस के प्रमुख हेमंत करकरे और दो अन्य उच्च पुलिस अधिकारियों की हत्या में याचिका पर केन्द्र और राज्य सरकार नोटिस जारी किया, reports MG.

करने के लिए अदालत की सूचना के बाद जल्द ही बात कर रहे TCN, राधाकांत यादव ने कहा कि वह अदालत से आग्रह किया कि सीबीआई या किसी अन्य एजेंसी है कि अदालत के काम के लिए ठीक समझे तरह एक सक्षम प्राधिकारी द्वारा जांच का आदेश. वह अपने कहना है कि करकरे की हत्या के कुछ और अधिक से अधिक नेत्र को पूरा किया है दोहराया.
करकरे हिंदुत्व आतंकवादियों और आतंकवादी संगठनों देश में कुछ आतंक हमलों वह उजागर किया गया था जिनकी भूमिका के लिए एक जाला बन गया था. मुंबई हमले वह 2008 के मालेगांव विस्फोट में हिंदुत्ववादी आतंकवादियों के हाथ उजागर किया था पहले सप्ताह था और साध्वी प्रज्ञा सिंह ठाकुर, कर्नल पुरोहित और अन्य लोगों को गिरफ्तार किया. उन्होंने जांच के लिए धमकी दी थी और पाकिस्तानी आतंकवादियों वह रहस्यमय परिस्थितियों में मारा गया था द्वारा मुंबई हमले के दौरान.
"पुस्तक से प्रभावित कौन मारा करकरे? - भारत में आतंकवाद का असली चेहरा ", पुलिस एसएम Mushrif, एक 70-कुछ Lohiaite यादव के पूर्व इंस्पेक्टर जनरल द्वारा इस वर्ष के शुरू में लिखा एक एक स्वतंत्र तथ्य खोजने समिति के नेतृत्व में एक के गठन की मांग जनहित याचिका के साथ सुप्रीम कोर्ट से संपर्क बैठे या सुप्रीम कोर्ट के एक सेवानिवृत्त न्यायाधीश, करकरे को मारने से पहले की घटनाओं में देखो. वह प्रस्तुत किया था कि राज्य के एक आतंकवादी से देश के नागरिकों की रक्षा की तरह एटीएस अधिकारियों की मौत प्रमुख करकरे सहित में घोर विफलता थी. उन्होंने यह भी तर्क था कि पूरे मुंबई आतंकी हमले के एक प्रकरण लेकिन दो अलग अलग हमलों के रूप में नहीं देखा जाना चाहिए.
न्यायमूर्ति बी सुदर्शन रेड्डी और न्यायमूर्ति सुरिन्दर सिंह Nijjar की पीठ 12 मई को यादव की जनहित याचिका को अस्वीकार कर दिया था लेकिन उसे करने के लिए उच्च न्यायालय ले जाने की छूट दे दी है. (TwoCircles)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Saffron terrorisim in india
Saffron Terrorisim in India
By: Sheikh Gulzaar
Reports that Hindu militants may be involved in bomb attacks first blamed on Islamists may open a Pandora's Box for India's beleaguered security services and become a key voter issue before general elections next year.
At least 10 people, including a serving army officer and a Hindu monk and nun, have been arrested over alleged involvement in blasts in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon in Maharashtra that killed four people.
The same Indian army officer is being investigated over a bomb attack in February 2007 that killed 68 people on the Samjhauta Express, a train between Delhi and Lahore, police said. The attack killed mostly Pakistani and Kashmiri passengers.
The reports have proved an embarrassment for the main opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as it prepares to take on the Congress-led government in both state elections this year and general elections in early 2009.
The BJP has been quick to criticise the Congress-led government for being soft on terrorism when it involves Muslims or Pakistan, but critics say it has been less willing to call for a clampdown on Hindu groups in the face of the latest allegations.
"In the wake of daily arrests of... (Hindu)... terror outfits, the BJP stood exposed," senior Congress leader Veerappa Moily told the Mail Today. "They cannot take a high moral ground."
While Islamists are suspects in many other attacks this year, the spectre of Hindu terrorist groups haunts many in India, which emerged from a traumatic partition in 1947 when hundreds of thousands were killed in religious clashes.
"Given India's diversity, a very delicate balance has been maintained," said security analyst C. Uday Bhaskar.
"If it is punctured, we will have very serious internal disturbances, aggravating the internal security of the country."
While many analysts believe this case could be isolated or limited to a small group, some believe it could signal something deeper and more sinister: a growing militant network that believes Muslims and a secular government are threatening what is basically a Hindu nation.
It is not just Muslims that are the target. In Orissa state, Hindu groups angry at reports of conversions were blamed for attacks on Christians in August and September. At least 38 people were killed.
"The Hindu terrorist ... has been formed to retaliate and they are functioning in the atmosphere of hatred politics which runs deep into the social system," said Amulya Ganguli, a political analyst.
But while an embarrassment, analysts are divided on whether any revelations about Hindu militants will hurt the BJP.
Some see it as an obsession of the chattering classes while millions worry more about inflation, an economic slowdown and a general perception that the government has struggled to bring anyone to justice for bombings, regardless of their religion.
Experts also say quick conclusions cannot be drawn by the arrests. There are reports of inconsistencies in the cases and nothing has been proved.
This is not an open and shut case, going by the record of investigating agencies," Major General Ashok Mehta, a security analyst, said.
As elections approach, the noise is unlikely to die down.
"Terrorism is definitely on the agenda of political parties and with elections round the corner everyone will talk about it," said Bhaskar.
By: Sheikh Gulzaar
Reports that Hindu militants may be involved in bomb attacks first blamed on Islamists may open a Pandora's Box for India's beleaguered security services and become a key voter issue before general elections next year.
At least 10 people, including a serving army officer and a Hindu monk and nun, have been arrested over alleged involvement in blasts in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon in Maharashtra that killed four people.
The same Indian army officer is being investigated over a bomb attack in February 2007 that killed 68 people on the Samjhauta Express, a train between Delhi and Lahore, police said. The attack killed mostly Pakistani and Kashmiri passengers.
The reports have proved an embarrassment for the main opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as it prepares to take on the Congress-led government in both state elections this year and general elections in early 2009.
The BJP has been quick to criticise the Congress-led government for being soft on terrorism when it involves Muslims or Pakistan, but critics say it has been less willing to call for a clampdown on Hindu groups in the face of the latest allegations.
"In the wake of daily arrests of... (Hindu)... terror outfits, the BJP stood exposed," senior Congress leader Veerappa Moily told the Mail Today. "They cannot take a high moral ground."
While Islamists are suspects in many other attacks this year, the spectre of Hindu terrorist groups haunts many in India, which emerged from a traumatic partition in 1947 when hundreds of thousands were killed in religious clashes.
"Given India's diversity, a very delicate balance has been maintained," said security analyst C. Uday Bhaskar.
"If it is punctured, we will have very serious internal disturbances, aggravating the internal security of the country."
While many analysts believe this case could be isolated or limited to a small group, some believe it could signal something deeper and more sinister: a growing militant network that believes Muslims and a secular government are threatening what is basically a Hindu nation.
It is not just Muslims that are the target. In Orissa state, Hindu groups angry at reports of conversions were blamed for attacks on Christians in August and September. At least 38 people were killed.
"The Hindu terrorist ... has been formed to retaliate and they are functioning in the atmosphere of hatred politics which runs deep into the social system," said Amulya Ganguli, a political analyst.
But while an embarrassment, analysts are divided on whether any revelations about Hindu militants will hurt the BJP.
Some see it as an obsession of the chattering classes while millions worry more about inflation, an economic slowdown and a general perception that the government has struggled to bring anyone to justice for bombings, regardless of their religion.
Experts also say quick conclusions cannot be drawn by the arrests. There are reports of inconsistencies in the cases and nothing has been proved.
This is not an open and shut case, going by the record of investigating agencies," Major General Ashok Mehta, a security analyst, said.
As elections approach, the noise is unlikely to die down.
"Terrorism is definitely on the agenda of political parties and with elections round the corner everyone will talk about it," said Bhaskar.
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