Information Resource Centre presents World Media Directory and brought
out a Database in electronic format. It containing complete details of
3000+ such as Music, Sports, Kids, Informative, Religious, News,
Entertainment, Fashion, Geographic, Religious, Cartoon, Charity, Science
& Health etc. TV Channels from around the world.
classified Information of various TV Channels are available on hundreds
of world' major cities and few of them are listed below:-
Middle East
Armenia (2) Azerbaijan (3) Bahrain (4) Cyprus (5) Georgia (6) Iran (7)
Iraq (8) Israel 9. Jordan (10) Kuwait (11) Lebanon (12) Oman (13)
Palestine (14) Qatar (15) Saudi Arabia (16) (17) Syria (18) Turkey (19)
United Arab Emirates (20) Yemen
1) Afghanistan (2) Bangladesh (3) Bhutan (4) Brunei (5) Cambodia (6)
China (7) Hong Kong (8) India (9) Indonesia ( 10) Japan (11) Kashmir
(12) Kazakhstan (13) Kyrgyzstan (14) Laos | Macau (15) Malaysia (16)
Maldives (17) Mongolia (18)Myanmar ( 19) Nepal( 20) Pakistan (21)
Philippines (22) Singapore (23) South Korea (24) Sri Lanka (25) Taiwan
(26) Tajikistan (27) Thailand (28) Turkmenistan (29) Uzbekistan (30)
Albania (2) Andorra (3) Austria (4) Belarus (5) Belgium (6) Bosnia and
Herzegovina (7) Bulgaria (8) Croatia (9) Czechia (10) Denmark (11)
Estonia (12) Faroe Islands (13) Finland (14) France (15) Germany (16)
Gibraltar (17) Greece (18) Hungary (19) Iceland (20 Ireland (21)I taly
(22) Latvia (23) Liechtenstein (24) Lithuania (25) Luxembourg (26)
Macedonia (27) Malta (28) Moldova (29) Monaco (30) Montenegro (31)
Netherlands (32) Norway (33) Poland (34) Portugal (35) Romania (36)
Russia (37) San Marino (38) Serbia (39) Slovakia (40) Slovenia (41)
Spain (42) Sweden (43) Switzerland (44) Ukraine (45) United Kingdom (46)
Vatican City
Algeria (2) Angola (3) Benin (4) Botswana (5) Burkina Faso (6) Cameroon
(7) Cape Verde (8) Chad (9) Congo-Brazzaville (10) Congo-Kinshasa (11)
Djibouti (12) Egypt (13) Eritrea (14) Ethiopia (15) Gabon (16) Ghana
(17) Guinea (18) Ivory Coast (19) Kenya (20) Libya (21) Madagascar (22)
Malawi (23) Mali (24) Mauritania (25) Mauritius (26) Mayotte (27)
Morocco (28) Mozambique (29) Namibia (30) Niger (31) Nigeria (32)
Reunion (33) Senegal (34) Somalia (35) South Africa (36) Sudan (37)
Swaziland (38) Tanzania (39) Tunisia (40) Uganda (41) Western Sahara
(42) Zambia (43) Zimbabwe
South America
Argentina (2) Bolivia (3) Brazil (4) Chile (5) Colombia (6) Ecuador (7)
French Guiana (8) Paraguay (9) Peru (10) Suriname (11) Uruguay (12)
North America
Aruba 2. Bahamas 3. Barbados 4. Canada 5. Costa Rica 6. Cuba 7.
Dominican Republic 8. El Salvador 9. Greenland 10. Guadeloupe 11.
Guatemala 12. Haiti 13. Honduras 14.Jamaica 15. Martinique 16. Mexico
17. Netherlands Antilles 18. Nicaragua 19. Panama 20 Puerto Rico 21.
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 22. Trinidad and Tobago 23. Alabama 24. Alaska
25. Arizona 26. Arkansas 27. California 28. Colorado 29. Connecticut
30. District of Columbia31. Florida 32. Georgia 33. Hawaii 34. Idaho 35.
Illinois 36. Indiana 37. Iowa 38. Kansas 39. Kentucky 40.Louisiana 41.
Maine 42. Maryland 43. Massachusetts 44. Michigan 45. Minnesota 46.
Mississippi 47. Missouri 48. Montana 49. Nebraska 49. Nevada 50.New
Hampshire 51. New Jersey 52. New Mexico 53. New York 54. North Carolina
55. North 56. Dakota 57. Ohio 58. Oklahoma 59. Oregon 60. Pennsylvania
61. Rhode Island 62. South Carolina 63. South Dakota 64. Tennessee 65.
Texas 66. Utah 67. Vermont 68. Virginia 69. Washington 70. West Virginia
71. Wisconsin 72. Wyoming 73. United States 74. Virgin Islands
Australia 2. Fiji 3. French Polynesia 4. New Caledonia 5. New Zealand
6. Papua New Guinea 7. Timor Leste 8. Vanuatu 9. Wallis and Futuna
Features : Each
data Contains Name of the TV Channel , Channel Logo, Complete postal
address, Email, Address,website address, phone No, Fax No. etc.
Very useful to:
organisations, Broadcasting Units, Advertising agencies, NGO's,
Newspapers, News agencies, Journalists, Editors, Individuals, Service
providers and almost all who are in Media & Entertainment industry
and especially who seek an edge over its' competitors.
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Home page: http://internationalmediadirectory.blogspot.com