
Showing posts with label Herbal seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbal seeds. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Watermelon seeds

Watermelon, Heirloom Seeds
Available in 50,100 & 500 seeds per packet
Seeds are natural.Open-pollinated. Organic from Kashmir Himalaya

The Jammu and Kashmir medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
"Ginkgo House", Nambalbal, New Coloney Azizabad, Via Wuyan-Meej Road, Pampore PPR J&K 192121
Ph: 01933-223705

Monday, February 11, 2013

The American lockdown state

The American lockdown state
The US has become a nation not of laws but of legal memos, not of legality but of legalisms.
Consider Inauguration Day, more than two weeks gone and already part of our distant past. In its wake, President Obama was hailed (or reviled) for his "liberal" second inaugural address. On that day everything from his invocation of women's rights ("Seneca Falls"), the civil rights movement ("Selma"), and the gay rights movement ("Stonewall") to his wife's new bangs and Beyoncé's lip-syncing was fodder for the media extravaganza. The President was even praised (or reviled) for what he took pains not to bring up: the budget deficit. Was anything, in fact, not grist for the media mill, the hordes of talking heads, and the chattering classes?

One subject, at least, got remarkably little attention during the inaugural blitz and, when mentioned, certainly struck few as odd or worth dwelling on.  Yet nothing better caught our changing American world.  Washington, after all, was in a lockdown mode unmatched by any inauguration from another era -not even Lincoln's second inaugural in the midst of the Civil War, or Franklin Roosevelt's during World War II, or John F Kennedy's at the height of the Cold War.
Here's how NBC Nightly News described some of the security arrangements as the day approached:
Buy Medicinal Seeds
[T]he airspace above Washington... [will be] a virtual no-fly zone for 30 miles in all directions from the US capital. Six miles of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers will be shut down, with 150 blocks of downtown Washington closed to traffic, partly out of concern for car or truck bombs... with counter-snipers on top of buildings around the capital and along the parade route... [and] detectors monitoring the air for toxins... At the ready near the capital, thousands of doses of antidotes in case of a chemical or biological attack... All this security will cost about $120m dollars for hundreds of federal agents, thousands of local police, and national guardsmen from 25 states.

Consider just the money. It's common knowledge that, until the recent deal over the renewal of the George W Bush tax cuts for all but the richest of Americans, taxes had not been raised since the read-my-lips-no-new-taxes era of his father. That's typical of the way we haven't yet assimilated the new world we find ourselves in. After all, shouldn't that $120 million in taxpayer money spent on "safety" and "security" for a single event in Washington be considered part of an ongoing Osama bin Laden tax?

Maybe it's time to face the facts: this isn't your grandfather's America. Once, prospective Americans landed in a New World. This time around, a new world's landed on us.

Making fantasy into reality
Bin Laden, of course, is long dead, but his was the 9/11 spark that, in the hands of George W Bush and his top officials, helped turn this country into a lockdown state and first set significant portions of the Greater Middle East aflame. In that sense, bin Laden has been thriving in Washington ever since and no commando raid in Pakistan or elsewhere has a chance of doing him in.

Since the al-Qaeda leader was aware of the relative powerlessness of his organisation and its hundreds or, in its heyday, perhaps thousands of active followers, his urge was to defeat the US by provoking its leaders into treasury-draining wars in the Greater Middle East.

In his world, it was thought that such a set of involvements -and the "homeland"security down payments that went with them - could bleed the richest, most powerful nation on the planet dry. In this, he and his associates, imitators, and wannabes were reasonably canny. The bin Laden tax, including that $120m for Inauguration Day, has proved heavy indeed.

In the meantime, he - and 9/11 as it entered the American psyche - helped facilitate the locking down of this society in ways that should unnerve us all. The resulting United States of Fear has since engaged in two disastrous more-than-trillion dollar wars and a "Global War on Terror" that shows no sign of ending in our lifetime (see Yemen, Pakistan, and Mali). It has also funded the supersized growth of a labyrinthine intelligence bureaucracy; that post-9/11 creation, the Department of Homeland Security; and, of course, the Pentagon and the US military, including the special operations forces, an ever-expanding secret military elite cocooned within it.

Given the enemy at hand - not a giant empire, but scattered jihadis and minority insurgencies in distant lands - all of these institutions, which make up the post-9/11 National Security Complex, expanded in ways that would have boggled the minds of previous generations (as would that most un-American of all words, "homeland"). All of this, in turn, happened in a poisonously paranoid atmosphere in Washington, and much of the rest of the country.

Even if you ignore that Inauguration Day no-boating zone or the 30-mile no-fly zone (the sort of thing the US once imposed on enemy lands and now imposes on itself), consider those "thousands of doses of antidotes in case of a chemical or biological attack". Just about nothing on this planet is utterly inconceivable, but it's worth noting that, as far as we know, the national security bureaucracy made no preparations for an unexpected tornado on Inauguration Day.

Given recent extreme weather events, including tornado warnings for Washington, that would at least have been a plausible scenario to consider.

Certainly, a biological or chemical attack is a similarly imaginable possibility. After all, it actually happened in Tokyo in 1995, when followers of the Aum Shinrikyo cult set off Sarin gas in that city's subway system, killing 11. But the likelihood of any conceivable set of Islamic terrorists attacking those inaugural crowds with either chemical or biological weapons was, to say the least, microscopic. As something to protect Washington visitors against, it ranked at least on a par with the (non-existent) post-9/11 al-Qaeda sleeper cells and sleeper-assassins so crucial to the plot of the TV show Homeland.

And yet, in these years, what might have remained essentially a nightmarish fantasy has become an impending reality around which the national security folks organise their lives - and ours. Ever since the now largely forgotten anthrax mail attacks that killed five soon after 9/11 - the anthrax in those envelopes may have come directly from a US bioweapons laboratory - all sorts of fantastic scenarios involving biochemical attacks have become part and parcel of the American lockdown state.

In the Bush era, for instance, among the apocalyptic dream scenes the President and his top officials used to panic Congress into approving a much-desired invasion of Iraq were the possibility of future mushroom clouds over American cities and this claim: that Iraqi autocrat Saddam Hussein had drones (he didn't) and the means to get them to the East Coast of the US (he didn't), and the ability to use them to launch attacks in which chemical and biological weaponry would be sprayed over US cities (he didn't). This was a presidentially promoted fantasy of the first order, but no matter. Some senators actually voted to go to war at least partially on the basis of it.

As is often true of ruling groups, Bush and his cronies weren't just manipulating us with the fear of nightmarish future attacks, but themselves as well. Thanks to New Yorker journalist Jane Mayer's fine book The Dark Side, for instance, we know that Vice President Dick Cheney was always driven around Washington with "a duffel bag stocked with a gas mask and a biochemical survival suit" in the backseat of his car.

The post-9/11 National Security Complex has been convulsed by such fears. After all, it has funded itself by promising Americans one thing: total safety from one of the lesser dangers of our American world - "terrorism". The fear of terrorism (essentially that bin Laden tax again) has been a financial winner for the Complex, but it carries its own built-in terrors. Even with the $75bn or more a year that we pump into the "US Intelligence Community", the possibility that it might not discover some bizarre plot, and that, as a result, several airliners might then go down, or a crowd in Washington be decimated, or you name it, undoubtedly leaves many in the Complex in an ongoing state of terror. After all, their jobs and livelihoods are at stake.

Think of their fantasies and fears, which have become ever more real in these years without in any way becoming realities, as the building blocks of the American lockdown state. In this way, intent on "taking the gloves off" - removing, that is, all those constraints they believed had been put on the executive branch in the Watergate era - and perhaps preemptively living out their own nightmares, figures like Dick Cheney and former Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld changed our world.

The powers of the lockdown state
As cultists of a unitary executive, they - and the administration of national security managers who followed in the Obama years - lifted the executive branch right out of the universe of American legality. They liberated it to do more or less what it wished, as long as "war, "terrorism", or "security" could be invoked. Meanwhile, with their Global War on Terror well launched and promoted as a multigenerational struggle, they made wartime their property for the long run.

In the process, they oversaw the building of a National Security Complex with powers that boggle the imagination and freed themselves from the last shreds of accountability for their actions.

They established or strengthened the power of the executive to: torture at will (and create the "legal" justification for it); imprison at will, indefinitely and without trial; assassinate at will (including American citizens); kidnap at will anywhere in the world and "render" the captive into the hands of allied torturers; turn any mundane government document (at least 92 million of them in 2011 alone) into a classified object and so help spread a penumbra of secrecy over the workings of the American government; surveil Americans in ways never before attempted (and only "legalised" by Congress after the fact, the way you might backdate a check); make war perpetually on their own say-so; and transform whistleblowing - that is, revealing anything about the inner workings of the lockdown state to other Americans - into the only prosecutable crime that anyone in the Complex can commit.
It's true that some version of a number of these powers existed before 9/11. "Renditions" of terror suspects, for instance, first ramped up in the Clinton years; the FBI conducted illegal surveillance of antiwar organizations and other groups in the 1960s; the classification of government documents had long been on the rise; the congressional power to make war had long been on the wane; and prosecution of those who acted illegally while in government service was probably never a commonplace (both the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals, however, did involve actual convictions or guilty pleas for illegal acts, followed in some of the Iran-Contra cases by presidential pardons). Still, in each case, after 9/11, the national security state gained new or greatly magnified powers, including an unprecedented capacity to lockdown the country (and American liberties as well).
What it means to be in such a post-legal world - to know that, no matter what acts a government official commits, he or she will never be brought to court or have a chance of being put in jail - has yet to fully sink in. This is true even of critics of the Obama administration, who, as in the case of its drone wars, continue to focus on questions of legality, as if that issue weren't settled. In this sense, they continue to live in an increasingly fantasy-based version of America in which the rule of law still applies to everyone.

In reality, in the Bush and Obama years, the United States has become a nation not of laws but of legal memos, not of legality but of legalisms - and you don't have to be a lawyer to know it. The result? Secret armies, secret wars, secret surveillance, and spreading state secrecy, which meant a government of the bureaucrats about which the American people could know next to nothing. And it's all "legal".

Consider, for instance, this passage from a recent Washington Post piece on the codification of "targeted killing operations"- ie drone assassinations - in what's now called the White House "playbook": "Among the subjects covered... are the process for adding names to kill lists, the legal principles that govern when US citizens can be targeted overseas, and the sequence of approvals required when the CIA or US military conducts drone strikes outside war zones."

Those "legal principles" are, of course, being written up by lawyers working for people like Obama counterterrorism "tsar" John Brennan; that is, officials who want the greatest possible latitude when it comes to knocking off "terrorist suspects", American or otherwise. Imagine, for instance, lawyers hired by a group of neighbourhood thieves creating a "playbook" outlining which kinds of houses they considered it legal to break into and just why that might be so. Would the "principles" in that document be written up in the press as "legal" ones?

Here's the kicker. According to the Post, the "legal principles" a White House with no intention of seriously limiting, no less shutting down, America's drone wars has painstakingly established as "law" are not, for the foreseeable future, going to be applied to Pakistan's tribal borderlands where the most intense drone strikes still take place. The CIA's secret drone war there is instead going to be given a free pass for a year or more to blast away as it pleases - the White House equivalent of Monopoly's get-out-of-jail-free card.

In other words, even by the White House's definition of legality, what the CIA is doing in Pakistan should be considered illegal. But these days when it comes to anything connected to American war-making, legality is whatever the White House says it is (and you won't find their legalisms seriously challenged by American courts).

Post-legal drones and the new legalism
This week, during the Senate confirmation hearings for Brennan's nomination as CIA director, we are undoubtedly going to hear much about "legality" and drone assassination campaigns. Senator Ron Wyden, for instance, has demanded that the White House release a 50-page "legal" memo its lawyers created to justify the drone assassination of an American citizen, which the White House decided was far too hush-hush for either the Congress or ordinary Americans to read.
Medicinal Plants For The Future
But here's the thing: if Wyden got that bogus document, undoubtedly filled with legalisms (as a just-leaked 16-page Justice Department "white paper" justifying drone killings is), and released it to the rest of us, what difference would it make? Yes, we might learn something about the vestiges of a guilty conscience when it comes to American legality in a White House run by a former "constitutional law professor". But we would know little else.

Once upon a time, an argument over whether such drone strikes were legal or not might have had some heft to it. After all, the United States was once hailed, above all, as a "nation of laws". But make no mistake: today, such a "debate" will, in the Seinfeldian sense, be an argument about nothing, or rather about an issue that has long been settled.

The drone strikes, after all, are perfectly "legal". How do we know? Because the administration which produced that 50-page document (and similar memos) assures us that it's so, even if they don't care to fully reveal their reasoning, and because, truth be told, on such matters they can do whatever they want to do. It's legal because they've increasingly become the ones who define legality.
It would, of course, be illegal for Canadians, Pakistanis, or Iranians to fly missile-armed drones over Minneapolis or New York, no less take out their versions of bad guys in the process. That would, among other things, be a breach of American sovereignty. The US can, however, do more or less what it wants when and where it wants. The reason: it has established, to the satisfaction of our national security managers - and they have the secret legal documents (written by themselves) to prove it - that US drones can cross national boundaries just about anywhere if the bad guys are, in their opinion, bad enough. And that's "the law"!

As with our distant wars, most Americans are remarkably unaffected in any direct way by the lockdown of this country. And yet in a post-legal drone world of perpetual "wartime", in which fantasies of disaster outrace far more realistic dangers and fears, sooner or later the bin Laden tax will take its toll, the chickens will come home to roost, and they will be able to do anything in our name (without even worrying about producing secret legal memos to justify their acts). By then, we'll be completely locked down and the key thrown away.

Tom Engelhardt, co-founder of the American Empire Project and author of The United States of Fear as well as a history of the Cold War, The End of Victory Culture, runs the Nation Institute's His latest book, co-authored with Nick Turse, is Terminator Planet: The First History of Drone Warfare, 2001-2050.
A version of this article first appeared on
Forests For The Future
The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lepidium meyenii-Maca seeds for sale

Maca seeds
Latin name: Lepidium meyenii
Synonyms: Lepidium mayenii
Family: Cruciferae
Medicinal use of Maca : Maca is a little known herbal remedy and high energy food. It is growing in popularity due to its energizing effects, fertility enhancement and aphrodisiac qualities. Other traditional uses include increasing energy, stamina and endurance in athletes, promoting mental clarity, treating male impotence, and helping with menstrual irregularities and female hormonal imbalances including menopause and chronic fatigue syndrome.The roots are antifatigue, aphrodisiac, nutritive, immunostimulant, steroidal and tonic. Maca, as with all crucifers, contains glucosinolates and isothiocyanates which have been shown to exhibit anticarcinogenicity by blocking formation of endogenous or exogenous carcinogens and so preventing initiation of carcinogenesis. Naturally occurring and synthetic isothiocyanates are among the most effective chemopreventive agents known. A wide variety of isothiocyanates prevent cancer of various tissues including the rat lung, mammary gland, oesophagus, liver, small intestine, colon, and bladder. Non-published data suggests Maca has this same effect. Surprisingly, there is no apparent traditional use of Maca in the treatment of cancer. In traditional Peruvian herbal medicine, Maca is used as an immunostimulant and in the treatment of anaemia, tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, menopause symptoms, stomach cancer, sterility and other reproductive and sexual disorders as well as to enhance memory. A chemical analysis conducted in 1981 showed the presence of biologically active aromatic isothiocyanates, especially p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which have reputed aphrodisiac properties. Initial analysis of Maca indicate that the effects on fertility are a result of the glucosinolates. Alkaloids are also present, but have not yet been quantified.(263). There are reports that this plant can cure many problems of infertility.

Habitat of the herb:
Barren steppes, tundra and alpine plains, usually in limestone and clay soils, 3800 - 4800 metres.

Edible parts of Maca:
Root - cooked. Sweet and pleasantly flavoured. They can be slowly baked. After being dried they are cooked in water to make a sweet aromatic porridge that is called "mazamorra" in S. America. The nutritional value of dried Maca root is high, resembling cereal grains such as maize, rice and wheat. It has 59% carbohydrates, 10.2% protein, 8.5% fibre and 2.2% lipids.(263) It has a large amount of essential amino acids and higher levels of iron and calcium than potatoes.(263) Maca contains important amounts of fatty acids including linolenic, palmitic and oleic acids. It is rich in sterols and has a high mineral content as well. The root resembles a small pear in both size and shape and is up to 8cm in diameter. The dried root contains about 13 - 16% protein and is rich in essential amino acids. The fresh root is unusually high in iodine and iron. The root does also contain small amounts of alkaloids, tannin and saponins. The dried roots store well, 7 year old roots still had 9 - 10% protein. Dried roots are brown, soft and sweet with a musky flavour, they retain their flavour for at least 2 years. Young leaves - raw or cooked. A hot cress-like flavour.

Propagation of the herb: Seed - sow spring in a cold frame. When they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and grow them on in the greenhouse for their first winter. Plant them out into their permanent positions in late spring or early summer, after the last expected frosts. Division in spring.

Maca Seeds
Our Price: 2500/- 50 seeds per Pack
Availability: Usually Ships in 7 to 10 Business Days
More details:
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
Silk Road (Kashmir China Road), Sonamarag, JK
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
More details : Maca seeds

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Unmarked graves in Kashmir

Viola-Odorata seed
Police say 2,683 FIRs about unmarked graves in Kashmir registered

Srinagar, June 02 In Kashmir, after the human rights commission, now police have disclosed to have registered 2,683 FIRs about unidentified bodies in unmarked graves in three districts.

The number of FIRs registered by police is 500 more than the figure given by the human rights commission.

The disclosure was made in response to an RTI (right to access information) application filed by the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) and International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in the disputed territory.

“These are damning disclosures,” Khuram Parvez of IPTK said.

He said this shows how the authorities have been sitting on this information for many years, and trying to obfuscate the truth.” The police said that of the 2,683 FIRs, the largest number — 492 — were registered at Handwara police station. This was followed by Kupwara (396), Trehgam (326), Lalpora (298) and Vilgam (155). All these police stations are in Kupwara district.

In Baramulla district, 110 FIRs have been registered in Sopore police station, and 103 in Baramulla.

The number of unidentified bodies given by the police is 527 more than what was revealed in an independent investigation by the commission.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Herbal seeds for sale

The  Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC, is a pioneer institution to start cultivation of important indigenous medicinal plants and introduce many from other parts of the world. A preliminary study on cultivation of medicinal plants in Jammu and Kashmir was from this institution. Subsequently lot of work on cultivation and improvement was done on selected plants by different   scientists and a consolidated account on cultivation and utilization of these plants was published (Sheikh GULZAAR, 2002 & 2007).

Availability of  Seed/Planting material for research purpose only
Medicinal/fruit seeds  and planting material is available for distribution/purchase for Research institutions, universities, associations and NGOs)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kashmir produced 17 l MT fruit in ‘09-10: Economic Survey Kashmir State GDP shows 76 pc increase in 7 years
Srinagar, Mar 11: The Economic Survey tabled today in both Houses of legislature shows that the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) has continuously grown.

“As per new series (2004-2005), it has grown from Rs 27004.63 crore to Rs. 47709.31 crore during the period from 2004-2005 to 2010-2011 at current prices, registering an increase of 76.67 per cent,” the survey reports.  At constant (2004-2005) prices, the GSDP has risen from Rs. 27004.63 crore to Rs.37886.92 crore during the same period registering an increase of 40.30 per cent.

The working force in Kashmir constitutes 37.01% of total population against the corresponding rate of 39.10% in the country. The State of Kashmir is neck to neck in respect of work force with Indian rate. Contribution of Primary Sector (Agriculture & allied activities) to the State economy at constant (2004-2005) prices as per advance estimated for 2009-10 has been 22.63%. The relative share of this sector to GDP at Indian level for the year 2009-10 has been 16.99%. Contribution of Secondary sector to State GDP as per advance estimates for 2009-2010 was 29.55% against 25.84% at the Indian level for the same year. Contribution of Tertiary Sector to State GDP as per advance estimates for 2009-2010 was 47.82% against 57.17% at the Indian level for the year 2009-2010.

The Per capita GSDP at constant (2004-2005) prices as per preliminary estimates for the year 2010-2011 was Rs.32496 registering an increase of 5.21% over per capita GSDP of Rs. 30886 for 2009-2010. The relative per capita income figures for India stood at Rs. 38060 for 2009-2010 and Rs. 36005 for 2008-2009. Fruit production of the State increased from 16.91 lakh metric tones in 2008-2009 to 17.13 lakh metric tones in 2009-2010, recording an increase of 1.30%. For the current year, the State expects fruit production of 22.22 lakh metric tones to register notable increase of  29.71% over previous year’s production figures. Out of total fruit production for 2009-2010, 15.35 lakh tones constituting 90% was fresh fruit and the remaining 10% dry fruit. In the fruit  production figures share of apple accounted for 86.17% and walnut with 9.64% share, is the next major fruit.

As per provisional estimates of 18th livestock census 2007, total livestock population in the State has increased from 98.99 lakh in 2003 to 104.73 lakhs in 2007, registering an increase of 5.8%. The number of livestock per 1000 of human population as per livestock census 2007 was 882 animals while as at all India level the number was only 457, as per livestock census 2003.

The contribution of Manufacturing sector (both registered & un-registered) in GSDP of the state of  Kashmir is increasing day by day and has increased from 3.8% in 1999-00 to 7.17% in 2007-2008. Taking individually, the manufacturing sector. Registered contributes 2.65% and un-registered contributes 4.42% to GSDP of the State of Kashmir..

Census 2001 has revealed that 55% households live permanent houses. 32.15% in semi-permanent houses and 12.85% were living in temporary houses, and the relative position in India was 51.80%, 30.04% and 18.16% respectively. Categorizing the households living in owned, rented and other categories, works out to be 93%, 5% and 2% for the state of Kashmir and 87%, 11% and 2% respectively for India. (Writer-South Asia)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Medicinal plants cultivation and planting material

We are one of the premier registered Agriculture, Horticulture & Floriculture based institution involved in production, development, introduction, trading and manufacturing exporting of RAW HERBS, FRUITS, SPICES, Plant Leaves,  Fruit, Medicinal Plants, Vegetable seeds from  Kashmir.

Oak-Quercus robur Colchicum Luteum,Saffron Bulbs (Crocus sativus Linn), Marijuana-Cannabis indica, Hawthorn berries/seeds(Crataegus  oxycantha), Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea), Celosia Linn, Pyrethrum, Malus communis, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus serotina, Cedrus deodar,  Aeaxulus indica Colebr, Capsicum annum, Ginkgo biloba Seeds,Wild Cherry, Sweet Cherry, Pomengranate , Sweet Appricort, Apple, Kewi, Plum,Lukat, Peach, Almond, Walnut Grapes, Sweet Chestnut, Ginkgo biloba plants, Althaea officinalis, cypress cashmiriana seeds,Ceratonia siliqua,Viola serpentine cashmiriana (Bunafsha),  Dioscorea  deltoidea, Saussurea costus cashmiriana, Gladiolus bulbs ,Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens), Beldona seeds, Kuth (Saussuria lappa),Phytolacca acinosa,Rosmarinus officinalisetc. etc.

Chenab Industries
Ist Street, Shaheed-e-Azeemat Road, Nambalbal, Pampore PPR J&K 192121
Mailing address: PO Box 667 Srinagar SGR J&K- 190001
Ph: 01933-223705
Call us: 09858986794