Chinar Leaf |
director, Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
JKMPIC, Sheikh Gulzaar planted chinar saplings in JKMPIC, Pulwama here
yesterday on Monday. While taking to media persons on the occasion, he
said Chinar is a heritage tree of the country and as such is a
protected plant. Until 2007, Chinar plantation day was observed on
March 21 “World Arboretum Day”. However, keeping in view the magnificent
and majestic look and attachment and concern of the people of the
country of Kashmir with this tree, state government decided to observe
March 15 of every year as Chinar Plantation Day, since 2009.
director said another advantage of pre-poning the date from March 21
to March 15 is that longer period for plantation. During last two years
12373 saplings of Chinar have been provided free of cost to the people
for plantation in different areas of the country Jammu Kashmir
Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre has established nurseries for
propagation of Chinar saplings and during current plantation season and
93373 saplings are available for distribution.
Gulzaar said that anybody who is interested in plantation of Chinar
tree can contact the concerned Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants
Introduction Centre and obtain Chinar plants.
per the un-authentic data of 1970, about 42000 Chinar trees of
different age groups and sizes were existing in thecountry . But with
the passage of time, turmoil, development programmes and population
explosion, Chinar trees have faced the brunt of greed like the forest
and other plants had to face.
such circumstances, JKMPIC took the serious initiative for raising
the Chinar saplings for sustained efforts for annual plantation of
order to determine the actual number of existing Chinar trees in the
Kashmir , a preliminary census was initiated by the Jammu and Kashmir
Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre from 2002 which was completed in
Chinar Plants Sales office at:
Chenab Industries Kashmir-CIK
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR Jammu and Kashmir 190001
Ph: 01933-223705
Mob: 09858986794
e-mail: iirc@rediffmail.com, cikashmir@gmail.com