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Buy Digitals seed/plant |
FOXGLOVE ( Digitals lanata Enrh ). An exotic
biennial herb, cultivated mainly in central and,
mainly as nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilzers. The plants flower in
the second year, but the flowering stalks are removed to induce a larger
leafy growth . In general, one harvest of the leaf crop is obtained in
October in the first year, whereas 3 harvests of leaf crop are obtained
in the second year.
The average yield recorded in India in the second year is 600 kg/hs ; higher yield up to 1,500 kg are reported from elsewhere. Digitalis leaves are thermolabile and hygroscopic and therefore, should be rapidly dried at 40 C immediately after collection. They should contain 0.1% glycoside ( digoxin , digitoxin, gitoxin , etc. ) calculated as lanatocide-c and not more than 5% moisture. The leaves could be stored in the form of coarse powder in airtight containers placed in a cool and a dry place. Kasmir for leaves which contain glycosides used for heart stimulation. India imports a major parts of its requirements of this drugs. The crop perfers silty-loam to clayey-loam soils, rich in organic matter and temperate climate ( 1200-2000 m above the sea-level ). The seed-rate used is 500 grammes per hectare. The nursery is raised in early spring and seedlings, when 8-10 weeks old, are transplanted, 30×45 cm to 60×60 cm apart, depending upon the soil fertility . It is an irrigated crop and makes only a moderate
The average yield recorded in India in the second year is 600 kg/hs ; higher yield up to 1,500 kg are reported from elsewhere. Digitalis leaves are thermolabile and hygroscopic and therefore, should be rapidly dried at 40 C immediately after collection. They should contain 0.1% glycoside ( digoxin , digitoxin, gitoxin , etc. ) calculated as lanatocide-c and not more than 5% moisture. The leaves could be stored in the form of coarse powder in airtight containers placed in a cool and a dry place. Kasmir for leaves which contain glycosides used for heart stimulation. India imports a major parts of its requirements of this drugs. The crop perfers silty-loam to clayey-loam soils, rich in organic matter and temperate climate ( 1200-2000 m above the sea-level ). The seed-rate used is 500 grammes per hectare. The nursery is raised in early spring and seedlings, when 8-10 weeks old, are transplanted, 30×45 cm to 60×60 cm apart, depending upon the soil fertility . It is an irrigated crop and makes only a moderate
Buy seed/plants from Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
Min. seeds : 2 grams per packet
More details: http://jkmpic.blogspot.in
e-mail: jkmpic@gmail.com
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705