Mr. V.T. Rajshekar |
Guns can never silence Kashmiri craving for
Azadi : Anti-Muslim policy destroys very fabric of India: V.T Rajshekar
Bangalore :
Guns alone cannot suppress any people fighting for self-determination and
liberation. This is the lesson of history and applies to all human rights
struggles and particularly Kashmir, where we
have been seeing the ugliest and the most barbaric face of Brahminism killing
innocent Kashmiri youths. Whether it is the Congress or the Brahmana Jati Party (BJP), any govt. sitting in Delhi has only one answer
to the Kashmiri aspirations for Azadi. Bullets. Change of govt. brings
no change in policy because the man in the driver’s seat is the same
hate-mongering Vaidik Brahmin.
Kashmiri Muslims fighting for Azadi were
all Brahmins (Pundits) till recently but they revolted against this violent
cult and sought liberation under Islam. The Brahminists who usurped the Delhi
throne through a deep-rooted conspiracy of the Jews and “Jews of India” with
the help of the cunning Gujarati Bania, M.K. Gandhi, have launched a reign of
terror on every section of the Indian society whose suppressed voice is heard
only through DV, the Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities Denied Human
The Editor of DV was invited by the Azadi
leaders to visit Kashmir but was not allowed
by the Brahminist leaders.
Those interested in knowing the roots of the
Kashmir problem and facts of the Brahminical reign of terror may order a
photocopy of the book, The Challenge in Kashmir (1997) by Dr. Sumantra
Bose, himself an upper caste Bengali Baidya but a distinguished
Western-educated historian (pp.210, Rs. 150).
accepts plebiscite: The then Dogra ruler of Kashmir, Hari Singh, might
have “acceded” to India but
it was strictly conditional on a “reference to the people” of Kashmir
— meaning plebiscite. The Kashmiri Brahmin, the first PM of India, J.L.
Nehru, on Nov.2, 1947 declared his govt. “pledge” to “hold a referendum under
international auspices (read UN) to determine the wishes of the people. He
repeated this “pledge” many times.
also accepted the plebiscite solution. Accordingly the UN passed a resolution
accepting plebiscite.
But the Brahminist rulers never believed in
keeping up any commitment. Their argument is:
(1) Pakistani forces failed to vacate portions
under their control (a pre-condition under the UN resolution for plebiscite),
(2) Kashmir’s lawful ruler acceded to India.
If both the above arguments are acceptable, says
Dr. Bose, why did Nehru commit India
for plebiscite despite the legality of Kashmiri rulers accession to India?
(3) Brahminist rulers often shout that Kashmir is
our integral part of India.
Fine. This opinion, they say, is based on the repeated elections held in
Kashmir where its “democratically elected representatives have repeatedly and
freely ratified the moral and legal validity of accession to India in free
Bogus claim: The UN, however,
still stands by plebiscite. Even the US Govt. till very recently, maintained
that “Kashmir is a disputed territory”.
Rigged elections: Indian rulers
say pro-India elements have always won in different state elections and the
people of Kashmir have voted for staying with India. Accepted. “Then why the
Brahminists are opposing plebiscite?”, ask the Kashmiri people. Simple. The
elections are totally rigged to promote anti-people Brahminical cockroaches.
That the Kashmir people through their MLAs have voted to remain in India is a
total bogus claim. This is proved in the recent uprising which could not be
controlled even by the brute force launched by the Tamil Chettiar killing
scores of young Kashmiris.
We had been to Kashmir and met its
revolutionary leaders like Jalil Andrabi, a prominent human rights lawyer from
Kashmir, who was brutally killed in Srinagar
in 1996.
The “unanimous opinion” of the Kashmiris is they
are not fighting and dying to join Pakistan. They want only Azadi,
self-determination. That is all.
Toilet papers admission:
Brahminist rulers may send brute force to crush the Kashmir
struggle for Azadi but it can never win the hearts of Kashmiris.
Brahminical toilet papers themselves have admitted this. Corrupt and
discredited politicians like Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar with no roots in
the soil of Kashmir are intensely hated
people. The latest revolt is also against these “foreign imposters”.
The Kashmiri Brahmin micro-minority
well-entrenched in Delhi
is manipulating the current “war” against Azadi with the aid of the
Brahminists in RAW and IB but they will never succeed.
Constitution itself destroyed:
The Brahminical rulers have throughout used brute force with the support of
their Jewish cousins not only to suppress Kashmiris but also ride rough-shod on
the aspirations of all the nationalities fighting for human rights. These
persecuted nationalities include Dalits 20%, Tribals 10%, Muslims 15%,
Christian and Sikhs (5%), Backward Castes 35%. All these nationalities are not
even able to breath freely. They have been repressed, rebuffed and denied
recognition. Brahminists did this by destroying the very constitution of India, bending
the judiciary, media, and suppressing all human rights struggles. “National”
toilet papers fully aided and abetted the destruction of the constitution. This
is the only cause of India’s
free fall. With over 85% of the Indian population of 1,300 million suppressed,
their human rights mutilated how can the Brahminists ever allow the country to
rise, socially, culturally and economically?
PM’s wrong diagnosis: Our
“Khatri Sick” PM thinks Kashmir is an economic
problem. Nonsense. Kashmiri youths are fighting and dying not for “jobs”. The
PM is consciously adding insult to injury by ridiculing the Kashmiri youth who
are dying for Azadi.
We are happy that the tumultuous events of July
and August 2010 have drowned the two Abdullah cockroaches and brought to the
fore the villain-turned overnight hero, Syed Ali Shah Geelani (81) who declared
that Kashmir is a disputed territory.
Brahminists admitted his “genuine leadership”.
Withdraw the Army, lift curfew, hold plebiscite
in Kashmir as desired by the people and the UN
and accept the verdict. That is the only solution.
Brahminists don’t love India: There will never be peace in India as long as Kashmir
continues to boil. With Indian army committed to Kashmir,
it will be a drag on the Indian economy. Nothing grows in Kashmir
except apples. It is more a liability. China has already taken over the
development of Azad Kashmir. Impoverished India
with its rag-tag army will have no courage to face the nuclear-armed Pakistan supported by both China and also USA. The only reason the rulers are
holding on to Kashmir at the cost of the
country is to rouse the ‘majority Hindus” against “minority” Muslims. But in
the process the Brahminists are only destroying India. But “whose father’s what goes?”
Brahminists have already said they don’t belong to India
and hence don’t love India.
As the Bahujans have been mentally crushed and made voiceless, the rulers may
temporarily ride the waves with the Kalmadis looting the crores. But how long
this can continue?
About the
author : Mr. V.T Rajshekar considered by revolutionary Muslims as an
authority on their problems though he is not a muslim. His English fortnightly,
Dalit Voice, is hailed as a better Muslim paper than many other Muslim journals. It has a million
of leadership among Muslims in and outside India. Dalit voice was released in
1981 by India’s
most famous Muslim scholar, Maulana Abul Hassan Ali Nadvi (Ali Miyan). Dalit
Sahitya Akademy has published a number of books on Muslims. As the founder of
the Dalit-Muslim unity movement, he is invited to many Muslim conference.
His point is since the Muslims of India did not
come from Middle East like Dalits, they are
also its original inhabitants who revolted AGAINST THE Brahminical tyranny.
Hence the need for unity.
Mr. V.T Rajshekar is
known to all Muslim leaders-both religious aand political. His writings in
English are reproduced, translated and published in many Muslim journals in India, Pakistan, Bangaladesh and entire
muslim world. He visited many Muslim countries on their invitation.
Address of Mr. V.T.Rajshekar, 109/7th
Cross, Palace Lower Orchards, Bangalore-560 003 (India) : vtr@ndf.vsnl.net.in, dalitvoice@rediffmail.com