
Monday, September 13, 2010

China will spit on Brahminist face

Chinese and Pakistan soldiers hail the victory
Brother Mleccha is right that Jews and Brahmins are not brothers. We had said this in our book, Brahminism (DSA-2002). While the Jews hated Hitler and his nazis, the Brahmins supported and admired Hitler. They even invited him to India, report Dalit Voice (1/9/10).

The Brahmin symbol, swastika, was given to Hitler. A German scholar at Oxford University, Max Mueller, got the whole Brahmin “Sacred Scriptures” translated to English and published then. Germans took great interest in Sanskrit.

Hitlerism and the Brahmin terrorist party, RSS, aims and objectives are the same (Ibid DSA p.54). Germany’s outstanding philosopher, Nietzche, praised Brahmins.

Leon Poliakov, a distinguished French (Jew) historian, in his book, The Aryan Myth (1977, New American Library, New York) says Jews were the victms of Brahminism. The Jews engineered both the 1st and 2nd World Wars to fight Hitler and finally defeated him but Brahmins fully supported Hitler and the nazis. All this is history. All the thinking Jews know this historical truth during our meetings in US, London and Paris.

It is only after the collapse of Soviet Russia, the Brahmins started courting the Jews. And making a beeline to USA. But all the brilliant Jews are fully aware of the Brahminist treachery.

Brahmins are carefully watching the world situation. They know, the US led by Jews is collapsing. They also know China which hates Jews is rising. As the saying goes the Brahmin is a good servant but a bad master.

Their fear is once the US loses and Jews are finished there is no use hugging on to Jews.

They are carefully watching the rising China and our information is they have already started licking the Chinese bum.

Informed sources say they have already sent emissaries to Beijing to touch the feet of Chinese leaders and seek their forgiveness for the 1962 war against China. But we have already made sure that China would spit on the face of the crooks — EDITOR.