We bring the South Asia to you. The state of Jammu and Kashmir’s leading news and information agency, Writer-South Asia (formerly Kashmir Press International) is established in Srinagar in 1992. Writer-South Asia subscribers include 52 newspapers in Pakistan, 23 in Middle East scores abroad. All major Jammu and Kashmir newspapers, news agencies, TV Channels, Cable channels, government departments and individuals receive the Writer-South Asia (Daily/Weekly/Fortnightly bulletin.
The Writer-South Asia team of specialists provides accurate and comprehensive data- so essential to objective decision-making and policy formulation.
The published/unpublished media information available in the all five regions of Jammu and Kashmir is expertly monitored, collected and cross-checked to ensure correct perspectives and concise formulation. Even commonplace and seemingly trivial developments of potential consequence cannot escape the Writer-South Asia eye. And what’s more, all shades of opinion are thematically arranged to provide an insight into the interplay of various factors.
Writer-South Asia, thus, is an essential tool for any worth while analysis of any aspect of this region and a study of the Writer-South Asia service can help to keen analyst to discern the undercurrents sweeping the region. Offering top published/unpublished stories, latest News & analysis on Kashmir, Pakistan & India politics, defence, security, states & regions, indian neigbhours, foreign relations, political parties, nuclear policy, economic overview and weekly financial news updates.
Writer-South Asia (Fortnightly news bulletin) is a fast developing into the most authentic information pool of Kashmir and provides comprehensive coverage of all important political, commercial, social, psycho-emotional, developmental and industrial trends in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir.
We are also dealing with Databases/Information vailable on CD-Rom (MS Word/Acrobat/Inpage Format) on Industreis, Machinery Manufacturers, NRIs, Pharamaceuticals, Agriculture, Film Industry, Doctors, Importers/Exporters, NGOs, International Aid Agencies, Scholarship Agencies, Faith-based organisations, Mediocinal Plants, Medicines, Diseases and treatment, Plant nurseries, production of Kashmirian quality planting materials, Popularization of Agri. tools & equipmen, Herbs, Spices and many more.
Sheikh Ashraf
Writer-South AsiaPOB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR Jammu and Kashmir 190001
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