
Monday, October 11, 2010

Over 100,000 mental patients in Kashmir: Says report

Srinagar, October 10 : In Kashmir, the number of mental patients in the wake of Indian state and private  terrorism has crossed the one hundred thousand figure, reports KMS (10/10).

This has been revealed in a report issued by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, today.

The report maintains that bombings, beatings, torture, unjustified arrest and detention, extra-judicial killings, and, Indian troops’ sense of impunity from prosecution, are among the violations recounted and such abuses have affected the local psyche adversely.

The KMS report says that enforced disappearance is one of the most harrowing consequences of the armed conflict in Kashmir and during the last 21 years more than 10,000 people have been subjected to enforced disappearance by the troops. Of the disappeared persons, between 2000-2005 a majority were married males. Although men have been subjected to disappearance largely, but women have been badly affected because of being related to them as daughters, mothers, sisters and wives.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kashmir: 'It's a very dangerous situation for India'

Sinagar, 9 October: Ever since the flare-up in Kashmir worsened, veteran diplomat Howard B Schaffer, author of The Limits of Influence: America's Role in Kashmir, has been a much sought after expert in think tank circles in Washington, DC, reports
In an interview with's Aziz Haniffa, Schaffer says if Delhi continues to be in denial, and Islamabad is tempted to stoke the fires as it always has, the Kashmir situation could unravel fast.

What is your take on the flare-up in Kashmir? Is it the so-called 'intifada' of two decades ago all over again?

It's a very dangerous situation for India because I believe this is a very genuine expression of thorough dissatisfaction with Kashmir's connection to India, launched by young people who can remember only conflict in their lives -- when you consider that the conflict began just about 20 years ago with the outbreak of the insurgency and the people who are involved in it now cannot remember any kind of stable situation.

And, they are convinced from various points of view -- the economic, political and cultural -- that they have no future as part of India, that their economic futures look very dim. Obviously, they don't trust the Indian authority and they seem to have turned their backs on all of the political leadership, both in the pro-India parties, which are taking part in the political process, and on the Hurriyat group because the Hurriyat people, it seems to me, seem to be sidelined and they are in the situation of leaders who are hastening to catch up with their followers.

I hope that India will follow through with the political efforts that have now been undertaken following the visit of that all-party group to the state a week ago. But what's very important is this -- that the record would indicate that India announces efforts to reform and then these peter out when the situation in the valley calms down. I hope that won't happen now.

Twenty years ago, too, when the insurgency first began, it was an indigenous movement; but then it got contaminated?

Yes, then too, 20 years ago, it started as an indigenous movement. The Indian side admitted that it was an indigenous movement but the Pakistanis moved to take it over. And, their efforts to take it over were quite brutal because people to who they looked for support and whom they supported turned on -- at Pakistani direction -- those who favoured independence and not an amalgamation with Pakistan. Now, so far at least, no evidence, credible to me, has been brought to light that the Pakistanis are involved. But the ISI will be strongly tempted to fish in these troubled waters, just as they did 20 years ago.

What is the distinct difference between then and now? As you said, these are young guys who grew up -- as you say -- knowing nothing but conflict, suppression, repression, etc. But you still find the old guard like Syed Ali Shah Geelani making the tough provocative statements as if he calls the shots and is pulling the strings?

I don't believe so for all his talk, because as I said, I believe the Hurriyat leaders have not been at the centre of things. They've been completely sidelined, (but) they've been trying to get back into controlling position. You hear interviews with these young people and they are seemingly acting on their own. Now Geelani is trying; he declares boycott days, shutdown days, but I think the difference to me is that this seems to be a very spontaneous movement by people without solid political background.

Why is it so dangerous? Couldn't the argument be made that this is a bunch of kids who started pelting stones at the Indian troops who probably overreacted?

It's dangerous for the reason that the Pakistanis will again be tempted to intervene and -- coming at a time when India-Pakistan relations continue to be tense in the wake of the Mumbai attack -- that this could create the possibility of another confrontation.

You indicated that the Indian government seems to have made the right moves, with the all-party delegation giving pretty much an objective report to Delhi and there being some genuine efforts to address some of the grievances?

I believe the Indian response has been useful although it is very belated. After all, the troubles began on June 11 and it wasn't until mid-September that the Indians recognised that the situation was serious enough to lead them to take what was an unprecedented step of sending an all-party group to Kashmir. Obviously, they wanted to diffuse the responsibility and the blame among other political parties in India.

Now, some of the steps that have been taken are good ones, but it is much too early to make a judgement as to how far the Indians will be prepared to go to offer concessions that will be meaningful to the Kashmiris. They have once again talked about economic efforts, but these things have happened repeatedly in the past and the Indians will tell you quite rightly that India has invested a lot of money in Kashmir. But the trouble has always been that the money has gone into the wrong pockets.

As far as political changes go, we have to see what they are going to do about the Armed Forces Special Powers Act. It's good that they are releasing a bunch of youngsters from jail, that they are going to try to be less combative in dealing with these stone-throwing incidents, that people who have not committed serious crimes will be let off.

These are all good things, but again, we've got to see where it all leads to. And, the problem remains that -- and polling confirms this and this is incredible -- after 63 years as part of India, Kashmiris remain alienated and want to be outside of India. They no longer are interested in joining Pakistan. I mean, who would be interested in joining Pakistan?

But it is amazing that so much time has passed and so many Indian efforts have been announced but this sense of alienation continues all the way through society among Muslims in the valley.

UN records database J&K, AP as separate countries

New Delhi, Oct 9: While India continues relentlessly to assert that Jammu Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh are both integral part of the country, United Nations does not seem to agree.

A report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations has named Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal as completely separate countries in the list of East Asian countries.

The names of the disputed states figure in Annexure 5 of the 2010 FAO report on assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the dairy sector.

Besides this, Arunachal Pradesh has been spelt as ‘Arunashal’ Pradesh.

Another disputed region that has been treated as a separate country by FAO is Aksai Chin, which China holds as its integral part.

As per reports, FAO has defended its treatment of these states citing that the disputed areas were deliberately being treated as independent entities. Agencies

Friday, October 8, 2010

We invite Omar Abdullah to join Pro-freedom Camp: Hilal War

By: Khailal-ul-Rehman
Srinagar, Oct 8:  The Chairman of People’s Political Party (PPP), Engineer Hilal Ahmad War, has appreciated Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah’s statement and his acknowledgment that Kashmir is an International Issue which has its roots as deep as 63 long years in the contemporary history, has vindicated not only our stand but also the stand of J & K Plebiscite Front wherein his grand father had categorically raised an official slogan that ‘ People are masters of their own fate’ .

PPP Chief said “Omar Abdullah’s statement is not only the victory of   the pro-freedom parties stand but also the temporary victory of   Omar Abdullah’s ‘conscience’. If his conscience has really woken up he must quit his service from Indian Government and resign from  Chief Ministership in order to complete the unfinished agenda of his grandfather, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and join pro-freedom camp and plead the case and cause of right of self-determination of people of entire pre-august 1947 J & K State, said Mr.War. We invite Omar Abdullah to join pro-freedom camp and fight for freedom of Kashmir. If he (Omar) accepts our invitation, we will appoint him as an ambassador and Chief of Foreign Affairs to plead Kashmir case at International level, said War.

PPP Chief, said that Signing of so-called document of Accession is a controversial issue and a debatable question, there are legal provisions and by virtue of Indian Independence Act, passed by British Indian Govt. on July 15, 1947 the Maharaja Hari Sigh was ceased to be a ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, therefore, he had no authority to Sign any document according to aforesaid Act and the relevant provisions International Law. The second argument is that no document of Accession Signed by Maharaja Hari Singh, there was only Bhutan Type Treaty signed by him renewable after every 10 years. According to Indian argument and the fake document of Accession was signed but subject to the ratification by masses directly through referendum.

Elaborating, Hilal War  said that at the time of signing of the “so-called” instrument of accession, the then Indian rulers had subjected it to the condition  of  ratification through referendum directly my the masses of entire  Pre-August 1947 J & K State which India has not done so far, therefore, so-called accession is invalid and a dead document. In 1948 Government of India pledges before the United Nations, Security Council to hold a plebiscite  in order to ascertain the WILL of the people of Jammu and Kashmir whether they want to stay with India or Pakistan. It is ironic that India has not fulfilled its promises till date and has not conceded the just demand of right of self-determination of people of Jammu and Kashmir. (Writer-South Asia)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

JK Peoples Leauge urges IHK people to continue liberation struggle

Srinagar, October 07:  Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League (JKPL) has urged the people of Kashmir to continue peaceful struggle for securing right to self determination.

The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League, Sheikh Yaqoob Aziz, while addressing a party meeting, paid glowing tributes to the martyrs and reiterated the pledge to take their mission to its logical end.

He said that the people of the occupied territory had rendered unprecedented sacrifices for Kashmir liberation and their sacrifices would not be allowed to go waste. He also urged India to give up its unrealistic and rigid stance on Kashmir and take positive steps for settlement of the dispute so that complete peace could be established in the region. (Writer-South Asia)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pervez Musharraf admits Pakistan role in Jammu and Kashmir Jehad

Johan Simith
Srinagar- Oct 6: Former Pakistan  Pervez Musharraf has admitted that his country had trained underground Kashmiri freedom fighter groups to fight Indian rule in Kashmir.

"They (underground militant groups to fight against India in disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir) were indeed formed," Musharraf told German magazine Der Spiegel in an interview.

Asked why did Pakistan train militant underground groups to fight India in Kashmir, the former President said Nawaz Sharif’s apathy to the Kashmir issue was one of the reasons, so was the fact that the world had turned a blind eye to the dispute.

"Yes, it is the right of any country to promote its own interests... When India is not prepared to discuss Kashmir at the United Nations and is not prepared to resolve the dispute in a peaceful manner," Musharraf claimed adding, “Nawaz Sharif Government turned a blind eye because they wanted India to discuss Kashmir”.

The former Pakistan president indicated he had no regrets for the Kargil intrusion that led to an armed conflict with India in 1999 and argued that each country had a right to promote its national interest.

He slammed the international community, particularly the West, for persistently ignoring the Kashmir issue, and for singling out Pakistan for all blames.

"The West was ignoring the resolution of the Kashmir issue, which is the core issue of Pakistan. We expected the West—especially the United States and important countries like Germany—to resolve the Kashmir issue. Has Germany done that?" the former Pakistan military ruler asked.

"The West blames Pakistan for everything. Nobody asks the Indian prime minister, why did you arm your country with a nuclear weapon? Why are you killing innocent civilians in Kashmir? Nobody was bothered that Pakistan got split in 1971 because of India’s military backing for Bangladesh. The United States and Germany gave statements, but they didn’t mean anything," he said.

Musharraf charged the international community of courting India for strategic deals, while treating Pakistan as a rogue state.

"Everybody is interested in strategic deals with India, but Pakistan is always seen as the rogue," Musharraf said.

The former Pakistan ruler also said the worst blunder of the US would be to quit in Afghanistan without winning. "Then militancy will prevail not only in Pakistan, India and Kashmir, but perhaps also in Europe, the United Kingdom and in the United States. That’s my belief," he said.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Will Kashmir lead to war with China ?

Bangalore, October 5: Will the current explosion in Kashmir ultimately lead India to another war with China? Reports say ruling “Jews of India” have been asked by the Jews to widen the conflagration so that China, which is already in the “Pak-occupied Kashmir”, is provoked to intervene through Pakistan. India may then seek US support, reports  Dalit Voice  (5/9)

The staple food of the Jews and “Jews of India” has been war and violence to establish world domination. Having been defeated in their experiment in Iraq and Afghanistan, they are now trying to shift the scene to Asia and confront China with the help of the “Jews of India”.

Our sources say if there is such a direct confrontation between US and China it will lead to World War-III with Russia, Iran and the entire Muslim world. Dangerous days are ahead.

Nato regrets Pak troop deaths, urges route re-opening

ISLAMABAD/BRUSSELS: Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen expressed regret on Monday for the deaths of Pakistani soldiers last week and said he hoped Pakistan’s border would reopen for NATO supplies to Afghanistan as soon as possible, reports Jumg (5/9./2010)

Angered by repeated attacks by Nato helicopters on militant targets within its borders, Pakistan blocked one of the supply routes for Nato troops in Afghanistan after a strike killed three Pakistani soldiers in the western Kurram region.

Analysts and Western officials said Pakistan’s closure of the border for a few days would not seriously impact the war effort in Afghanistan, but it would create political tension that Pakistan could exploit.

“I expressed my regret for the incident last week in which Pakistani soldiers lost their lives,” Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said after meeting Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi in Brussels. “I expressed my hope the border will be open for supplies as soon as possible.”

The apology came after gunmen attacked a convoy of trucks taking goods to Western forces in Afghanistan on the outskirts of Islamabad, killing three guards. The foreign minister while apprising the Nato secretary general of the gravity of public anger over Nato incursions said that Pakistan would only reopen the supply route for coalition troops in Afghanistan once public anger eases and security improves. “Unless the reaction cools down and we make sure that the supply line is secured, we cannot reopen it,” the foreign minister added. He further said the UN mandate for Isaf is confined to Afghanistan and Nato/Isaf forces are again advised to refrain from any actions that constitute a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty.

Foreign Minister Qureshi did not hold a press conference after the meeting. Hours later, suspected militants attacked trawlers carrying supplies for Nato through Balochistan, killing one man, police said.

Pakistan has officially said the border has been closed for security reasons and the Taliban threat of more attacks will likely prolong the closure of the vital supply route — now in its fifth day — and further strain ties with ally Washington, which has long demanded Pakistan crackdown on militants. “Efforts are underway to resolve this issue, but there is a lot of anger in Pakistan about the border incursion,” a senior Pakistani government official told Reuters.

ISAF spokesman Major Joel Harper told Reuters in Kabul that the border closure wouldn’t impact the mission, but that the supply lines are “an important element of the Pakistani economy. It’s important to our logistics stocks”. The closures would force more supplies through NATO’s northern supply route through Russia and the central Asian republics, he said. “Nato authorities have all along anticipated disruptions in the supply chain and have been stockpiling supplies in advance,” said Kamran Bokhari, South Asia director at STRATFOR global intelligence.

Andrew Exum, a fellow with the Center for a New American Security and former adviser on Gen Stanley McChrystal’ assessment team in Afghanistan, said the closures mattered little tactically.

“Even though it’s painful it doesn’t cripple the mission,” he said. “The larger strategic issue is that we’re seeing a period of rising public tension between the United States and Pakistan.”

“It’s clear the Pakistanis are frustrated with the United States,” he continued. “It’s clear the Pakistanis are frustrated with the drone strikes in Pakistan. What I don’t think the Pakistanis understand is how frustrated the Americans and the American public are with the Pakistanis.”

Rasmussen said the killing of the three Pakistani soldiers was unintended and showed the need to improve coordination between the NATO and the Pakistani military. He said a joint investigation was under way. “It is important we step up our cooperation,” he said. —Agencies

Mariana Baabar adds: Meanwhile, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), when contacted, said it cannot confirm the identity of two planes that hovered inside Pakistani airspace at the time when Nato helicopters were striking a Pakistani checkpost. A private television channel showed the footage of the incident in which for the first time the presence of these two planes came to light.

Faisal Shahzad sentenced for life

MANHATTAN: Sheikh Faisal Shazad has been sentenced for life by a court in Manhattan, Geo News reported Tuesday. There were ten separate charges pressed against him, which included weapons trade and terrorism.

After he was found guilty, he was sentenced for life. He did not repent any bit of his actions. He had been arrested on the 3rd of May. (Writer-South Asia)

Monday, October 4, 2010

US should impress upon India, Pak to resolve Kashmir: Yaseen Malik

Srinagar, Oct 3: Ahead of the United States President, Barrack Obama’s scheduled visit to India next month, two officials from the American Embassy in New Delhi on Sunday met the front The Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, here to know his views and assess the situation in the disputed state of Kashmir.
Mr. Yaseen Malik maintained that as a strategic alliance of India and Pakistan, the United States could impress upon both the countries to resolve the long-standing Kashmir dispute. 

The officials, Kailash Jha and Pushpinder Dhillon met Malik for nearly an hour and discussed several issues including the situation in Valley. “The Valley has been turned into a jail from the last four months. The people are reeling under continuous curfew since Eid. 110 civilians mostly teenagers have been killed by the troopers and cops. Hundreds of youth have been arrested and are languishing in jails. There is no accountability and rule of law and the men in uniform have been given license to kill,” Malik told the visiting officials.

Yaseen Malik said the Kashmir dispute had consumed four generations. “Kashmiris were forced to take guns in 1989 when government of India used its military might to crush their non-violent movement for the right to self-determination. The US had played an imperative role in motivating the Kashmiris to shun the gun and start a peaceful process for the resolution of Kashmir. But India is leaving no stone unturned to suppress the aspirations of Kashmiris,” Yaseen Malik said.

Yaseen Malik maintained that the ongoing movement was being led by Kashmiri youth. “India has even snatched a space for them to register their protests peacefully. If the suppressive policies continue, Kashmiri youth will be forced to take the violent path again to achieve their goal. It is high time to acknowledge and respect the aspirations and sacrifices of Kashmiris and resolve the dispute in accordance with their wishes,” he said.

Malik told the officials that by virtue of being in strategic alliance of India and Pakistan, the US act could be a catalyst to resolve the dispute.

“The US can use its rapport and friendly relations with Islamabad and New Delhi and impress upon them to resolve the dispute permanently for restoring peace in Valley and south Asia,” he said.

The diplomats however refused to talk to the media. Malik also reserved his comments on whether the diplomats met him in the backdrop of Obama’s visit to India.

Pertinently Obama has been stressing upon New Delhi to settle the Kashmir dispute if it wanted a ticket in the UN Security Council membership. “Go for a Kashmir solution and help bring stability to the region for a ticket to UN Security Council membership and fulfilling your big power aspirations.” Obama according to reports has conveyed to New Delhi.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Swiss Bank has agreed to disclose the funds

By: Maruti Kusalkar
Mumbai, October 3: Latest Update
1) Yes, 70 lakhs crores rupees of India are lying in Switzerland banks. This is the highest amount lying outside any country, from amongst 180 countries of the world, as if India is the champion of Black Money.

2) Swiss Government has officially written to Indian Government that they are willing to inform the details of holders of 70 lakh crore rupees in their Banks, if Indian Government officially asks them.

3) On 22-5-08, this news has already been published in The Times of India and other Newspapers based on Swiss Government's official letter to Indian Government.

4) But the Indian Government has not sent any official enquiry to Switzerland for details of money which has been sent outside India between 1947 to 2008.. The opposition party is also equally not interested in doing so because most of the amount is owned by politicians and it is every Indian's money.

5) This money belongs to our country. From these funds we can repay 13 times of our country's foreign debt. The interest alone can take care of the Center s yearly budget. People need not pay any taxes and we can pay Rs. 1 lakh to each of 45 crore poor families.

6) Let us imagine, if Swiss Bank is holding Rs. 70 lakh Crores, then how much money is lying in other 69 Banks? How much they have deprived the Indian people? Just think, if the Account holder dies, the bank becomes the owner of the funds in his account.

7) Are these people totally ignorant about the philosophy of Karma? What will this ill-gotten wealth do to them and their families when they own/use such money, generated out of corruption and exploitation?

8) Indian people have read and have known about these facts. But the helpless people have neither time nor inclination to do anything in the matter. This is like "a new freedom struggle" and we will have to fight this.

9) This money is the result of our sweat and blood.. The wealth generated and earned after putting in lots of mental and physical efforts by Indian people must be brought back to our country.  

Friday, October 1, 2010

Flights over US, EU killing people in India, China

New Delhi, October 1: Aircraft flying above North America and Europe are emitting pollutants that are poisoning the air in India and China, and resulting in deaths of thousands of people in these Asian nations, a new study has said, reports

The study led by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says airplanes flying at a cruise altitude of around 35,000 feet emit pollutants that contribute to about 8,000 deaths per year globally.

Due to high speed winds that flow east, air pollution caused by planes flying over North America and Europe is adversely impacting air quality in India and China, it said.

Nearly 3500 people - almost half of the global number - die in India and China due to this air pollution. Air travel is heaviest above North America and Europe.

"Even though the amount of fuel burned by aircraft over India and China accounts for only 10 per cent of the estimated total amount of fuel burned by aircraft across the globe, the two countries incur nearly half - about 3,500 - of the annual deaths related to aircraft cruise emissions," the study said.

The research provides the first estimate of premature deaths attributable to aircraft emissions at cruise altitudes.

Aircraft emit nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides, which react with gases already existing in the atmosphere to form harmful fine particulate matter.

Part of the reason for the high percentage of premature deaths in India and China is that these regions are densely populated and also have high concentrations of ammonia in their atmosphere as a result of farming.

This ammonia reacts with oxidised nitrogen and sulphur to create fine particulate matter that people inhale on the ground.

Although agriculture is abundant in Europe and North America, the ammonia levels are not as elevated above those regions as they are in the Asian countries, the study said.

Monday, September 27, 2010

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Independent J&K to emerge as strong nation: JKLF

Srinagar, Sept 27: A day after Hurriyat (G) chairman, Syed Ali Geelani said Jammu and Kashmir’s survival as an independent state was difficult, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Sunday said the independent state would emerge as a strong nation on the world map because of its huge water and other natural resources.

Geelani in an interview with NewsX on Saturday said that he personally felt it was difficult for the state to survive as an independent entity given its geo-strategic location. However, the JKLF while rejecting Geelani’s statement said that the majority of the people in the state were in favor of independence as was “evident” from various surveys conducted by international organizations.  

Without naming Geelani, the JKLF leaders in a statement said, “A prominent pro-freedom leader on Saturday told an Indian news channel that an independent Kashmir was not viable.  There are several countries smaller than Jammu and Kashmir in terms of size and population and low on natural resources that have survived as independent entities. Furthermore, if Jammu and Kashmir is given independence it would thrive merely on its huge water reservoirs and other natural resources.”

“ In 1990, when other groups joined the freedom movement the JKLF to avoid internal anarchy announced to accept the decision of the majority during a referendum— whether in favour of India, Pakistan or independence. And the same principle was the basis of the Hurriyat Conference constitution. The JKLF leadership stands by its promise of respecting the will of the majority,” the leaders. (Writer-South Asia)

Chidambaram Appeals to People of J&K to Ensure

New Delhi, 27 September: The Union Home Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram has appealed to all sections of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to ensure that all schools and colleges function normally. In a statement issued here today he expressed happiness over the fact that most schools and colleges have reopened, disregarding a call by one of the Hurriyat leaders. Following is the text of the statement:

“Government is happy to learn that most schools and colleges have reopened in Jammu and Kashmir and most students have gone back to school/college today.

There was a call by one of the Hurriyat leaders to parents asking them not to send their children to school/college. Happily, parents have disregarded that call and sent their children to schools/colleges.

There were a few minor incidents of stone-pelting on school buses at Habak, Bemina and Nowgam. How can any right thinking person pelt stones on school buses? I hope that such mischief will stop immediately. Anyone who has the interest of the children at heart cannot indulge intone-pelting; nor should anyone support such mischievous attempts to interfere with the functioning of schools and colleges.

I am confident that the few schools and colleges that remain closed today, presumably out of caution, will reopen tomorrow. I am also confident that the attendance will improve significantly tomorrow. The Government of J&K has assured us that every effort is being made to ensure that all schools and colleges reopen and function normally and that security will be provided to enable the students to attend schools and colleges.

I appeal to all sections of the people of J&K, especially parents, to cooperate with the State Government and ensure that all schools and colleges function normally”.

9/11 remark meant to 'assist' Americans: Ahmadinejad

Srinagar, September, 27: Shrugging of the volley of criticism against him for listing conspiracy theories behind 9/11 attacks at the United Nations, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  underlined that his remarks were meant to help Americans, reports (27/9) from Geneva.

"We are trying to defend the rights of the American people so that their money is not used for killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan, so that their children do not end up in locations where they do not understand and must not go to in the first place to die," Ahmadinejad said.

"Do you think these are bad statements to make," he added, at a packed press conference in a New York hotel on Friday.

"This is assistance. This is what I call assistance," he added.

Earlier this week, speaking at the UN General Assembly, Ahmadinejad indicated that American and Israeli forces could have carried out 9/11 and called for a UN investigation into what really happened.

He had caused widespread outrage in his speech on Thursday to the General Assembly by claiming that some "segments" of the US government "orchestrated" 9/11 to "reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime".

"That some segments within the US government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime," the president told world leaders.

"It is proposed that the United Nations set up an independent fact-finding group for the event of September 11 so that in the future expressing views about it is not forbidden," he said.

On Friday, Ahmadinejad reiterated his calls for an investigation. "Two countries were invaded and up till now, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed as a result," the Iranian leader said.

"Don't you think that that excuse needs to be revised? Don't you feel that if a fact-finding mission was present from the start to explore the true reason behind September 11, that we would not see the catastrophes in Afghanistan and Iraq today?" he added.

Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama  has slammed these remarks as "hateful" and "offensive" in an interview with BBC's Persian news service on Friday.

"And particularly for him to make the statement here in Manhattan, just a little north of Ground Zero, where families lost their loved ones," he said. "For him to make a statement like that was inexcusable."

Ahmadinejad, however, asserts that all governments and people do not have to take the view of the US government, and asserted that the majority of Americans are suspicious about who carried out 9/11.

"If the US government is upset I can see why..because the US government expects everyone to follow it and to follow its decisions," he said.

'Mosque and temple can be built side by side in Ayodhya'

Srinagar,September, 27: Is it possible that the Allahabad high court's much-awaited verdict in the Babri Masjid  title case will lead to the construction of a mosque and a temple side by side in Ayodhya? If so what will be the reaction of the Muslim community?

A respected religious leader of the community and the Secretary of All India  Muslim Personal Law Board Moulana, Abdul Raheem Qureshi, has said that Muslims will not have any objection to such an eventuality as there was nothing wrong in it , reports rediff (27/9/) from New Delhi.

Speaking in Hyderabad on Monday, Abdul Raheem Qureshi said that already many such mosques and temple exist in the country and if this happens in Ayodhya, there is nothing wrong in that.

However, he said that the government should ensure that there were separate ways for the mosques and the temples so that no disputes or problems arise in future. "The vast land acquired by the government should be divided in to portions to provide separate ways to the mosque and the temple," he said.

Moulana Qureshi said that if the court decides so, the temple can come up at the place where Ram chabutra existed in the outer courtyard of the mosque, while mosque can be rebuilt at the place where the old mosque building with three domes and inner court yard existed.

"The chabutra was used from worship by the Hindus for 150 years and the Muslims have not opposed it. In 1885 a Mahant had claimed that chabutra was the birth place of Lord Ram and he had even gone to a court with the claim and Muslims not opposed it," he said.

His remarks came on a day when the AIMPLB decided to move a petition before the Supreme Court to oppose any further delay in the pronouncement of the verdict by Allahabad high court in Babri Masjid title case.

Abdul Raheem Qureshi said that the board decided to move the petition because it was question of rule of law in the country and any further delay in coming out with the verdict will not be in the interest of the justice.

He expressed hoped that the apex court will not delay the verdict of HC any further because the earlier decision of deferring it from September 24 was taken by the junior member of the two member judge of Supreme Court.

"Because of the differences between the two judges -- Justice Ravindran and Justice Gokhale -- the matter has been referred. We have moved our petition to make our stand clear that judicial verdict should not be delayed. It should be pronounced and respected by all. The dissatisfied party can always appeal to the Supreme Court," he said.

He said that the board was opposed to delay in the verdict because it involved many important issues. Recalling the night of 22 December 1949, when idols were installed in the Babri Mosque in Aydohya, he said that it was a trespassing, an offence but instead of punishing the culprits, Muslims were punished by stopping them from entering the mosque.

Elaborating why the board was against delaying the verdict, Moulana Qureshi said that one of the judges of the Allahabad high court was going to retire on September 30. "If a new judge comes and he wants fresh arguments once again, verdict will not be possible for another two years and it will be very unfair," he noted.

He also exuded confidence that on the basis of the available records and evidences, the Allahabad high court can give a verdict that the Babri Masjid with its inner court yard belongs to Muslims and outer court yard belongs to the Hindu community.

Referring to the statements of some people that out of court settlement was still possible, Moulana Qureshi said that many such efforts were made in the past, but they could not succeed as the organisations like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bharatiya Janata Party refused to budge an inch from their stand. "Without that no compromise was possible," he said.

He insisted that while Muslims were ready to abide by any court verdict, they will never ever willingly hand over the mosque to others.

We will shed our blood, as freedom can only be achieved through sacrifices and martyrdoms: L&T

Pakistan is ready to fight thousands of battles for the liberation of Kashmir, Jamaat ud-Dawa chief and Lashkar-e-Tayiba founder Hafiz Muhammad Saeed said at a meeting of the party in Lahore, reports
"We will shed our blood, as freedom can only be achieved through sacrifices and martyrdoms," said Saeed.

"For the liberation of Kashmir, we can fight thousands of wars with India. The government of Pakistan should stop begging India for talks on Kashmir. Just like Aazad Kashmir, Indian occupied Kashmir can only be freed through Jihad," declared Saeed.

Hafiz Saeed was annoyed over Pakistan Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani-led government's efforts about the Kashmir issue and said, "During the earlier government, the Kashmir cause suffered badly, as the government's stance was not aggressive. Unfortunately, the current government is also following the same policies."

He alleged that,"The government is making transit agreements (with India) under the supervision of the United States. Pakistani rulers should know that American slavery is not acceptable to our nation.

AJK Premier urges Obama to resolve Kashmir dispute

Srinagar, September, 27: Ahead of his India visit, US President Barack Obama was reminded of his election promise to help resolve the Kashmir dispute by Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Attique Ahmed Khan

Attique Ahmed Khan urged President Obama to keep up his election commitment and help resolve the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan.

In an open letter to the U.S. President - released as an advertisement to all major dailies by the PaK Government - Khan pointed out that the Kashmir dispute had been a topic of the election campaign of Obama. ``The people of J&K remind the President of the United States on the eve of his visit to India who is a signatory to the Kashmir resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan.'' (Writer-South Asia)

CPI (M) calls for All-India shutdown in support of Kashmiris

Hyderabad (India), September 27  The Communist Party of India (Maoist), declaring that Kashmiris’ struggle for right to self-determination is completely justified, has called for a 24-hour All India shutdown on September 30 to protest the death of more than 100 civilians in occupied Kashmir in last three months.

The CPI (M) in a statement said, “We firmly believe that Kashmiri movement for freedom and their right to self-determination is completely justified.” It said that Indian forces were carrying out massacres and oppressing the democratic rights of Kashmiri people. It demanded immediate withdrawal of Indian army and paramilitary forces from the Kashmir Valley, repeal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and unconditional release of all political prisoners.

The statement, signed by Abhay, spokesperson for the central committee, and Anand, central regional bureau spokesperson, said that the determination and sacrifices of Kashmiris would forever be etched in the annals of history. “We express deep condolences to all the martyrs' families and to the whole Kashmiri society who had lost their beloved sons and daughters to the bullets of the troops,” the statement maintained.(Writer-South Asia)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

OIC Kashmir contact group condemns curbs on Mirwaiz

Srinagar, 24 Sep: Indian Police have arrested a youth on the charges of posting a list with the names of police officers who belong to the Valley on social networking site Facebook, reports Greater Kashmir on 24/9/2010.

Faizan Samad, an 18-year-old Class XII student, was arrested from Nishat on the city outskirts.
Samad, according to police, has been booked under 66 IT Act and Section 13 of prevention of unlawful activities Act.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the Kashmir Contact Group (KCG) of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) has strongly condemned the continued house arrest and curbs on political and religious activities of All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq.

A special session of the KCG held here was attended by the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan, the Executive Director of Kashmir Centre Washington, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai and representatives of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Nigeria.

The APHC Chairman was invited by the OIC to participate in the session, however, due to continued house arrest he could not attend the meeting. The APHC has an observer status in the OIC.

On the other hand, the APHC Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in a statement in Srinagar hailed the recent assertion of UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon in which he had expressed concern over the situation in Kashmir. The Mirwaiz hoped that the UN would play its role in resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations. (Writer South Asia)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Kashmiris asks OIC to snap ties with India

Srinagar, Sept 23:  Hurriyat Conference  on Thursday urged Prof Dr Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu the General Secretary of Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) to take cognizance of the ongoing human rights violations in the Valley.

In a statement, APHC said the Conglomerate had conveyed to the OIC about the prevailing situation across the Valley and exuded hope that it would take cognizance of it.

“During the last three months, 103 youth have been killed and thousands injured. Besides hundreds of youth have been arrested and booked under various acts including PSA,” Geelani has written to the OIC.

 “If the OIC only passes resolution on the situation in Kashmir, it will be like adding insult to our injuries. It is the moral and legal responsibility of the OIC to come to the rescue of Kashmiris. The OIC must snap economic ties with India to show its seriousness,” he said. 

APHC condemned the imposition of curfew on Thursday and termed it as Government’s frustration. He reiterated that there will be no strike on Friday. (Writer-South Asia)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

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Why isn’t India a pariah state?

Srinagar: The Indian occupation of Kashmir between 1989-2009 has resulted in more than 70,000 deaths but there are no serious moves to delegitimize the country, Rob Brown article in JPOST-19/9/2010.

Most citizens of this country probably feel they already have quite enough on their plates dealing with Hizbullah and Hamas without pondering what’s happening way off in the Himalayas. Current events in Kashmir do, however, deserve serious consideration, if only because dark and dangerous parallels between that conflict and the Israel-Palestinian one are being drawn by global jihadists, as well as by some influential international opinion-formers who should know better.

An “intifada-style popular revolt” is how The New York Times has portrayed the latest popular uprising against Indian occupation which has swept through this predominantly Muslim province this summer, making the breathtakingly beautiful Kashmir Valley appear even more of a paradise lost. Although not clad in keffiyehs, young Kashmiri teenagers can sometimes resemble their Palestinian peers as they throw stones at army patrols and dodge tear-gas canisters on the streets of the state capital, Srinagar.

But what the world is never told by The New York Times, nor by most other supposedly liberal organs, is that New Delhi’s response to such civil disobedience has been far more savage and brutal than anything authorized in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, leading in the past to serious armed insurrection (often incited by Pakistan).

The Indian essayist Pankaj Mishra justly observed recently: “The killing fields of Kashmir dwarf those of Palestine and Tibet. In addition to the everyday regime of arbitrary arrests, curfews, raids and checkpoints enforced by nearly 700,000 Indian soldiers, the valley’s 4 million Muslims are exposed to extrajudicial execution, rape and torture, with such barbaric variations as live electric wires inserted into the penis.”

A LEADING local NGO, the International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Indian-Administered Kashmir, has reported that extrajudicial killings and torture are commonplace there. It claims that the Indian military occupation of that state between 1989-2009 has resulted in more than 70,00 deaths, and many of these killings were deemed “acts of service” by India’s feared Central Reserve Police Force, leading to promotion and financial reward (bounty is paid after claims made by officers are verified, apparently).

Still, there are no serious moves afoot in editorial corridors or academic campuses anywhere in the Western world to transform India into an international pariah. No calls for boycotts, disinvestment or sanctions against the world’s largest democracy.

The deafening silence over Kashmir speaks volumes about the double standards by which different governments around the globe are judged on their human rights records.

Partly this stems from the post-imperial guilt complex which continues to afflict so many citizens of the West.

The atrocities committed by former colonies are endlessly excused by loose-thinking liberals in London and Paris, however flagrant and ugly such abuses might be. On the extremely rare occasions when repugnant regimes are taken to task, the real responsibility for their brutality is usually reported to lie with external agents.

The Pakistani Marxist polemicist Tariq Ali recently regaled readers of the zealously anti-Zionist London Review of Books with the claim that the real cause of Kashmiris’ current suffering is the ever-evil IDF. “It has been open season on Muslims since 9/11, when the liberation struggle in Kashmir was conveniently subsumed under the war on terror,” he wrote. “Israeli military officers were invited to visit Akhnur military base in the province and advise on counter-terrorism measures.”

Ali gleefully quotes the Web site India Defense, which noted in September 2008 that “Maj.-Gen. Avi Mizrahi paid an unscheduled visit to the disputed state of Kashmir last week to get an up-close look at the challenges the Indian military faces in its fight against Islamic insurgents.

Mizrahi was in India for three days of meetings with the country’s military brass, and to discuss a plan the IDF is drafting for Israeli commandos to train Indian counter-terror forces.”

The concern isn’t that such conspiracy theories are recycled on the pages of the LRB – a small, self-important literary journal – but they are also plastered across countless Islamofascist Web sites, reinforcing the dangerously warped worldview of some of the most dangerous people on the planet. In her days as director-general of the British security service MI5, Eliza Mannigham- Buller observed how jihadists are driven by “a powerful narrative that weaves together conflicts from across the globe, [including] long-standing conflicts such as Israel-Palestine and Kashmir.”

What this leading spook didn’t add is that the crazed fury which results from such communal paranoia isn’t directed with equal vehemence and violence against the various alleged perpetrators. The once heavenly Kashmir Valley has become hell on earth for many of its inhabitants, but Indians are unlikely to have to endure the same hellish condemnation as Israelis. The sole Jewish state on the planet is proving a wonderful lightning rod for Islamic militants – and their misguided liberal-leftist allies – in a way that the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir could never be.

People may be killed like poultry in Kashmir, as in Tibet, but even “progressive” Western politicians are too chicken to jeopardize their countries’ rapidly expanding commercial connections with either India or China. Of course, little Israel isn’t anywhere near as lucrative a marketplace. Consequently, a Kashmiri (or a Tibetan) life will continue to count for far less than that of a Palestinian.(Jpost Israel)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Tribute to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Sahib: 11th August Foundation, Kashmir


Three more Kashmiri youth martyred

Srinagar, September 22 :  In disputed state of Jammu and  Kashmir, three youth were martyred, today, due to the continued acts of Indian state terrorism by Indian paramilitary forces and police personnel.

One youth each was shot dead by Indian troops during their siege and search operations in Hindwara and Dooru Sopore.

Another youth critically injured in police firing last week succumbed to his injuries in a hospital in Srinagar, today. Forceful anti-India demonstrations rocked his home town, Shaikh Pora in Budgam.

Strict curfew remained in force in Srinagar and other major towns of the territory for the eleventh day, today. Defying curfew restrictions people took to the streets in Samboora Pampore.

The members of Indian All-Party delegation met illegally detained senior APHC leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah at Chopra Nursing Home in Jammu, last night. The senior leader told on the occasion that India must repeal draconian laws and release Hurriyet leaders and activists, to create a favourable atmosphere to resolve the Kashmir dispute through talks. Members of Kashmiri civil society in their meeting with the delegation demanded phased demilitarisation of the territory and initiation of dialogue for an amicable solution of the Kashmir dispute. The members included Abdul Majeed Zargar, Dr Altaf Hussian, Anwar Ashai, Bashir Ahmad Dar, Hameeda Nayeem and Qurat-ul-Ain.

The All Party delegation had to cancel its visit to Bone and Joint Hospital in Barzulla and Soura Medical Institute as its members had to face patients’ wrath in SMHS hospital.  When a group of delegates led by Sushma Swaraj arrived the hospital amid tight security cover, the patients and their attendants shouted, “Go India go” and “We want freedom”.

Indian paramilitary personnel ruthlessly beat up a photojournalist, Farooq Ahmed Shah at Humhama in Budgam, fracturing his arm and injuring his head.

In Geneva, Kashmiri representatives, Altaf Hussain Wani and Mir Tahir Masood addressing the United Nations Human Rights Council urged the international community to take note of the current situation in occupied Kashmir where Indian troops and police personnel were committing Kashmiris’ genocide. (Writer-South Asia)

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Batla House fake encounter

Lessons from Batla House encounter: Truth will prevail

By Kashif-ul-Huda,,
Mahatma Gandhi started his satyagraha from Champaran district of Bihar. This force of truth is what ultimately led to India’s independence. After independence, India adopted "Satyameva Jayate" [Truth Alone Triumphs] as its motto. A 23 year-old youth from Champaran is testing India’s commitment to its truth and in the process showing the mirror to the Indian republic and asking them the same questions that Gandhi’s followers asked the colonial rulers.

Afroz Alam was born in Champaran district of Bihar in 1987. He is acutely aware of the historical importance of Champaran in India’s freedom struggle. Through Right To Information (RTI) Act, he has started his own “satyagraha” for seeking out the truth. Since 2005, he has filed thousands of RTI applications seeking information on local and national issues but what has made him famous is his unprecedented successes in finding truth of Batla House killings of Sept 19, 2008 that was termed as encounter by Delhi Police and fake by the population living in that area.

RTI activist Afroz Alam Sahil
Two years ago today, in Batla House area of Jamia Nagar, Delhi two civilians Sajid and Atif, and a police officer Mohan Chand Sharma were dead after some gun-shots were heard in the morning. What had happened there in flat number L-18 that day that led to three deaths is not clear. Afroz Alam Sahil, then a student of Mass Communication in Jamia Millia Islamia and an RTI activist, filed around 40 applications seeking more information about this “encounter” but has met by deafening silence from all sides.

Getting information through RTI has never been easy but it has been a special challenge to find out anything about the Batla House encounter case. He has filed appeals after appeals with different departments but without much success. He has filed RTI applications with the Prime Minister’s Office, President of India, Union Home Ministry, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi Police, and Delhi Minority Commission with little or no response from most of these organizations.

But his dogged persistence has paid off when in March this year, NHRC finally released the post-mortem report of Atif Amin and Mohammad Sajid, two youth who were killed in Batla House encounter. The post-mortem report, which AIIMS and Delhi Police still refuses to give, revealed that both Atif and Sajid had injuries on their bodies which occurred before their death. Delhi Police’s version of event had it that no physical interaction happened with the youth and the police but then how would one explain these injuries that AIIMS doctor clearly marked as “ante-mortem” or before death.
Just a few days ago, RTI officer at AIIMS again refused to give any information about post-mortem reports of Batla House victims, thought it has been already made public by the NHRC. The reason for refusal, cited by the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) is RTI act 8 (g) and 8 (h):

8. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, there shall be no obligation to give any citizen,
(g) information, the disclosure of which would endanger the life or physical safety of any person or identify the source of information or assistance given in confidence for law enforcement or security purposes; (h) information, which would impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders.

I would leave it to the readers to figure who will get hurt from the information that is being refused to be given by various government agencies and who benefits from this silence?

Though harassed along the way and humiliated by government officials, Afroz has refused to give in. It was big news when in July 2009, NHRC gave clean-chit to Delhi regarding their action in Batla House. "We are clearly of the opinion that having regard to the material placed before us, it cannot be said that there has been any violation of human rights by action of police," the commission wrote in a report submitted to the Delhi High Court. But a year later, in June 2010, NHRC finally admitted that it never paid a visit to Batla House flat, where the encounter took place, or talk to anyone involved in the case. In fact, India’s statutory human rights body conducted the enquiry only after they were ordered by the Delhi High Court and relied solely on Delhi Police version and evidence, and that too uncritically. One might ask what is the usefulness of NHRC if they will enquire only when ordered to do so and then believe what police had to say about the incident.
But what Afroz Alam has seen so far leaves no doubt in this mind that Batla House encounter was fake. And he finds it strange that though CBI is enquiring encounters in Gujarat, where BJP is the ruling party but not in Delhi, where Congress is in power.

Another unintended revelation from Afroz’s RTI activism was that Muslim organizations have been totally ineffective in India. Muslim youth in India were hunted down in the name of terrorism since 2001 and Muslim organizations except for issuing statements have not been able to do much in this regard. They were unable to convince the larger population that various encounters were fake or work with the government to get innocents released those that had been arrested and framed on terrorism charges. The story of Afroz Alam Sahil is a matter of inspiration and hope for Muslim youth and organizations- there are many legal means of getting justice in India, though it may be a long and frustrating journey but there is no other way to hard work and the truth will prevail.